I can see a possibility of people feeling ripped off and/or leaving the game -
Say a small guild in a low lvl area spend their mega dappers getting the best driller going only to have a high lvl group come through just to take over the outpost to destroy the driller.
That's a lot of dapper down the drain just for ganking grins.
Will there be any controls in place to prevent this? Or what about a high lvl/large member guild owning all the low lvl outposts?
If answers to these questions have been posted before, please provide links. These potatoes still got lumps - let's mash 'em some more.
Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
Regarding the new trainers: should a (born) kami zorai be selling karavan items in Yrk? True, he would have decided to go with the other side ...
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
If you've ever looked at the Kuild or any of the Karavan agents in the roots a good percentage are zorai, and not all zorai are born kami, just look at the masters of the goo and a lot of the other all zorai tribes.danadita wrote:Regarding the new trainers: should a (born) kami zorai be selling karavan items in Yrk? True, he would have decided to go with the other side ...
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
Maybe you missed something in the news Soma, but on the live servers there will be only 1 outpost allowed per guild, sort of to prevent the situation you describe there, i assume that if a guild owns an outpost they cannot delcare war on another one... keeping those lower outposts safe (any high level guild would want a high level outpost am i right?)
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
link plzrdfall wrote:Maybe you missed something in the news Soma, but on the live servers there will be only 1 outpost allowed per guild, sort of to prevent the situation you describe there, i assume that if a guild owns an outpost they cannot delcare war on another one... keeping those lower outposts safe (any high level guild would want a high level outpost am i right?)
█████████████████ Mithaldu █████████████████
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(\(\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxServer: Leanon, Gilde: Silberdrachen, der Ryzom-Squad von [G.S.M]
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Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
Afraid i can't find it anymore xeno, else i would have posted a link don't u think? But i have no doubt about that little fact.
Sure, perhaps i'm mistaking, but i'm convinced i'm right (if i'm wrong, don't shoot me
Sure, perhaps i'm mistaking, but i'm convinced i'm right (if i'm wrong, don't shoot me

Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
it does not matter, one man guild with many friends (big guild break up into one man guild), can still control all outposts if they have firepower.rdfall wrote:Afraid i can't find it anymore xeno, else i would have posted a link don't u think? But i have no doubt about that little fact.
Sure, perhaps i'm mistaking, but i'm convinced i'm right (if i'm wrong, don't shoot me)
BUG: Enchanted Isle's outpost is in wrong location or with wrong name/description.
BUG: mobs are doing less damage than suckling yubo in live server

Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
I thought that as more outposts were owned by one guild, they got weaker and weaker. This would mean that one guild would find it near impossible to own them all.
The Divine Council of Pyr
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
I found where they stated that spire defense gets weaker and weaker as more are owned by the same faction.
from: http://www.ryzom.com/?page=news&id=1456
from: http://www.ryzom.com/?page=news&id=1456
I couldn't find and don't recall anything being written about a guild not be able to own more than one outpost. However, if they own several, surely attackers will coordinate attacks so that they have to defend multiple outposts simultaneously.Each spire has many HP and a very high regeneration rate. There is a fixed global amount of HPs for all spires, distributed among all of them the more spires you own, the less HP each of them has, thus making it increasingly defend to defend them.
High Officer of Aeden Artisans
Re: Outposts - Bugs & Suggestions Thread
'cos this will suck if the big guilds own ALL outposts. I mean, how flipping boring for the rest of us.
Although, i see plenty of smaller guilds joining together. Maybe we'll see an Atys full of just a handful of Mega Guilds.
Although, i see plenty of smaller guilds joining together. Maybe we'll see an Atys full of just a handful of Mega Guilds.
The Divine Council of Pyr