There are two mini-boss yubos I know of. There is the Death Yubo (Choice q60) south of Avendale in Liberty Lake and Ora (Excellent q60), a named yubo in Majestic Garden. There is probably a Yubokoo in Demon's Lap. Happy Hunting!!myraven wrote:iwish to see the boss yuub(my word for yubo) if anyone has any info plz send me a tell ingame(Redslayer) or post it here if it exist i will stop killing yuub's untill then i will continue to slay them. The boss yuub is the only thing i seek if i see it(wich is all i want)then i will return to peace with them goodluck on your protection front and if some one shows/tells me where it is i will join your YLF farewell fyi i do not want to kill the boss i just want to see it then i will never kill another yuub again