In other threads people look for a guild. Most new homins want a "nice" guild, some people a bit more "roleplaying".
Not only are a lot of guilds "nice", all do some roleplaying even if their role is a bundle of green cucumbers. Now considering not everyone is green, let alone a cucumber, it might be nice if not alone the new homins know what type and colour of a fruit / vegetable they are, but also in what soup they want to be cooked.
Can you think with me so we can collect a list of questions one can ask himself and another list one can ask his potential guild? Maybe as an extra added feature we could compose some questions a guild can ask itself to find out what they expect from new members?
Oops, work calling, gtg, brb...
Who are you? What is the right question for me?
Who are you? What is the right question for me?
Evolution member.
Founder of the Yubo Liberation Front.
Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Evolution member.
Founder of the Yubo Liberation Front.
Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
Well there are the standard questions.
Carrying on with the personality thing from the other thread...
How would you describe your guild personality?
What kind of social interaction do you engage in?
Are bad puns a common occurrance in guild chat? (Don't laugh. I'm serious)
I'll think of some more in a few.
Carrying on with the personality thing from the other thread...
How would you describe your guild personality?
What kind of social interaction do you engage in?
Are bad puns a common occurrance in guild chat? (Don't laugh. I'm serious)
I'll think of some more in a few.
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
- Average RL age?
- Playtime?
- Timezone?
- Playtime?
- Timezone?
Evolution member.
Founder of the Yubo Liberation Front.
Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Evolution member.
Founder of the Yubo Liberation Front.
Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
A guild should also consider the following of its potential members:
Gaming Background - Have they ever played a MMO? Does their previous gaming experience consist entirely of games where the average character lifespan is less than 3 minutes?
In-Game/Out-of-Game Personality - Is this the sort of person who can get along with all sorts or are they less apt to work well with certain player types?
Real-life and In-Game Former Leadership Positions - Have they ever had a management position? Were they ever in the military? Have they ever run or held a high position in any other guild?
Personal History (at least a little is always good) - Are they a psychotic axe murdering, manic-depressive, sycophant? Did they get arrested for public displays of nudity (this one is good in my book!
Voice over IP Capabilities - Many guilds use Ventrilo or Teamspeak. Closer bonds are formed in this way and those who cannot participate often times feel somewhat outcast.
To me, these questions and issues tend to be very important when it comes to member retention, longevity, and overall usefulness. Too many new players seem to be just the type of player that fits the mold, only later to be found lacking, due to a lack of homework on their real nature.
Gaming Background - Have they ever played a MMO? Does their previous gaming experience consist entirely of games where the average character lifespan is less than 3 minutes?
In-Game/Out-of-Game Personality - Is this the sort of person who can get along with all sorts or are they less apt to work well with certain player types?
Real-life and In-Game Former Leadership Positions - Have they ever had a management position? Were they ever in the military? Have they ever run or held a high position in any other guild?
Personal History (at least a little is always good) - Are they a psychotic axe murdering, manic-depressive, sycophant? Did they get arrested for public displays of nudity (this one is good in my book!

Voice over IP Capabilities - Many guilds use Ventrilo or Teamspeak. Closer bonds are formed in this way and those who cannot participate often times feel somewhat outcast.
To me, these questions and issues tend to be very important when it comes to member retention, longevity, and overall usefulness. Too many new players seem to be just the type of player that fits the mold, only later to be found lacking, due to a lack of homework on their real nature.
The Meanest And Baddest Little Tryker In Atys
Never To Be Questioned And To Be Obeyed At All Costs
-=OmegaV - High Officer=-
The End Is Only The Beginning
Mantra 1: Sleep is a Crutch
Mantra 2: Food is for the Weak
Mantra 3: Goggles... it's ALL about the goggles
"The road to godhood is short for one without fear in his heart." -Spiff-
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
Nobody else has any opinions? I thought this was a really great thread. It gives new players a good understanding of what different sorts of things guilds look for in a player.
Last edited by mtsmith on Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Meanest And Baddest Little Tryker In Atys
Never To Be Questioned And To Be Obeyed At All Costs
-=OmegaV - High Officer=-
The End Is Only The Beginning
Mantra 1: Sleep is a Crutch
Mantra 2: Food is for the Weak
Mantra 3: Goggles... it's ALL about the goggles
"The road to godhood is short for one without fear in his heart." -Spiff-
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
We don't seem to ask very many questions at all. Firstly is the character polite and helpul?
Our toughest direct questions are:
- are they a minor
- which times they play.
The times they play are important this so we can ensure they have enough other members for them to have a good time.
We team with them to see how they get on with the game and to learn a bit about them. We usually team for half an hour or more and teach them about the game, stanzas and training.
During this time we learn: -
Whether they have any craft or forage levels; usually a good indicator of whether they are interested in the game.
How far they progressed by themselves.
Are they self-motivated.
How independant they are.
Do they spend long periods afk (surprisingly for a MMO a lot of people do)
How they react to working in a team.
What the are like in team chat.
How polite they are.
If they can follow advice.
What they are interested in.
Can they evaluate and deal with threats.
How they respond to difficult situations.
How mature they are (often independant of age).
Within the first few minutes we have usually made up our minds if they are likely recruits. If we like them, we disuss our charter with them and ask if they are interested. We generaly leave it up to them to ask whether they want to join us.
Our toughest direct questions are:
- are they a minor
- which times they play.
The times they play are important this so we can ensure they have enough other members for them to have a good time.
We team with them to see how they get on with the game and to learn a bit about them. We usually team for half an hour or more and teach them about the game, stanzas and training.
During this time we learn: -
Whether they have any craft or forage levels; usually a good indicator of whether they are interested in the game.
How far they progressed by themselves.
Are they self-motivated.
How independant they are.
Do they spend long periods afk (surprisingly for a MMO a lot of people do)
How they react to working in a team.
What the are like in team chat.
How polite they are.
If they can follow advice.
What they are interested in.
Can they evaluate and deal with threats.
How they respond to difficult situations.
How mature they are (often independant of age).
Within the first few minutes we have usually made up our minds if they are likely recruits. If we like them, we disuss our charter with them and ask if they are interested. We generaly leave it up to them to ask whether they want to join us.
Last edited by kgrieve on Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
is their priority being social/silly/grinding etc
do they like to team lots or mainly play solo
and if they ever guild chat with me, are they easily offended lmao
do they like to team lots or mainly play solo
and if they ever guild chat with me, are they easily offended lmao
Re: Who are you? What is the right question for me?
As a "young" Homin whose only been playing this game for a couple of months, and without the time to dedicate to the game as some I know (come on, 9 hrs a day is a bit much, don't you think?), I have found myself invited by at least a dozen guilds so far. To date, I have been a bit reticent about joining a guild. I'm still trying to decide what the true benefits are.
The questions I ask the guilds are:
1) What is the mean age (RL) of your members?
2) Why do you want me?
3) Why your guild and not some other guild? What sets your guild apart?
4) What are your views on Faction PvP?
5) How do you treat new members? (I'm not in favor of slave labor)
6) What does the guild do for me? Conversely, what does the guild expect me to do for it?
7) Where is the guild based? Its darn difficult at my current level to go anywhere other than Fyros Lands
8) Does the guild place any limitations on my game play? (At least one guild leader strongly discourages the use of Range Weapons.)
9) What is the player character make-up of the guild? If I can't find a well balanced guild, then I suspect I will go with a Fyros based guild just 'cause my character is Fyros.
10) How big is the guild (active players, not just members)?
I figure the questions of timezones and playing times will sort themselves out naturally. I doubt I'll see many active players/guilds whose membership doesn't play at the same times I do, unless they're "afk" parked (which I guess doesn't really qualify as "active").
I've seen a couple posts about guild members teaming with a potential recruit before deciding whether to invite him/her in. I do the same when I am evaluating guilds. Those players that treat me with respect earn "points" for their guild, while those that take me on a trek then kick me from the team in a varynx infested swamp because I'm "too low a level" earn an immediate "black ball" for their guild. Same goes for those black-star purple mages who nuke the 2-star yellow healer/harvester in AD, then hide just at the limit of their spell casting range waiting for someone to come and try to ressurect him just so they can nuke the poor guy again and laugh at his efforts on region chat (sound familiar, Padawan?).
That's my 2-bits worth....
Samardnaz - Fyros, and (so far) independant.
The questions I ask the guilds are:
1) What is the mean age (RL) of your members?
2) Why do you want me?
3) Why your guild and not some other guild? What sets your guild apart?
4) What are your views on Faction PvP?
5) How do you treat new members? (I'm not in favor of slave labor)
6) What does the guild do for me? Conversely, what does the guild expect me to do for it?
7) Where is the guild based? Its darn difficult at my current level to go anywhere other than Fyros Lands
8) Does the guild place any limitations on my game play? (At least one guild leader strongly discourages the use of Range Weapons.)
9) What is the player character make-up of the guild? If I can't find a well balanced guild, then I suspect I will go with a Fyros based guild just 'cause my character is Fyros.
10) How big is the guild (active players, not just members)?
I figure the questions of timezones and playing times will sort themselves out naturally. I doubt I'll see many active players/guilds whose membership doesn't play at the same times I do, unless they're "afk" parked (which I guess doesn't really qualify as "active").
I've seen a couple posts about guild members teaming with a potential recruit before deciding whether to invite him/her in. I do the same when I am evaluating guilds. Those players that treat me with respect earn "points" for their guild, while those that take me on a trek then kick me from the team in a varynx infested swamp because I'm "too low a level" earn an immediate "black ball" for their guild. Same goes for those black-star purple mages who nuke the 2-star yellow healer/harvester in AD, then hide just at the limit of their spell casting range waiting for someone to come and try to ressurect him just so they can nuke the poor guy again and laugh at his efforts on region chat (sound familiar, Padawan?).
That's my 2-bits worth....
Samardnaz - Fyros, and (so far) independant.