lorzazel wrote:I have seen many post where those who kill harvesters in the new zone are called dishonorable. Well i submit this, all those who say it is dishonorable to kill harvesters or nonaggresive enemy, then look here. http://ryzom.com/?page=lore_atys_beasts_kitins
Now tell me again you have never killed a kippe, kizor, or kiban. If you have never killed one of these 3 then tell me and I will not kill you on the field. If you have killed one of these 3 and say it is dishonorable to kill harvesters, then consider yourself dishonorable and delete your character immediatly. Show your commitment to the dislike of this DISHONOR and delete your character!!
Hehe, nice find. But this comparison doesn't hold.
Why do people kill kipee/kizoar/kiban?
1. Experience. Killing a homin does not give experience.
2. Materials. Killing a homin does not give materials.
3. Completing missions for fame. Killing a homin does not give fame.
Why do people kill homins in Aelius Dunes?
1. In self defense.
2. To gain honor.
People very often kill foragers who don't attack them and who are too low level to give them honor.
Nobody kills kipees 'to prevent the kitin from gathering materials'. In fact, I could draw your analogy to the following conclusion:
A lot of people say that killing enemy foragers is okay because they are gathering resources for the enemy. Well, the kitin are our enemy and apparently the kipee/kizoar/kiban are gathering resources for them. Therefore anyone who believes enemy foragers must be killed should immediatly go to work on purging Atys of all kipee/kizoar/kiban.
....on second thought, I agree with your analogy! Everyone who has ever killed me while foraging, get to killing those kipees!