The death of a prospector
Once there was a prospector living in windermeer - lakelands.
He loved his homeland, the nature and the animals there.
This land gave all a homin needed to have a good and happy life.
And so he soon decided to become a prospector. "I will be able to
travel allover lakelands" he thought by himself and a happy smile
went on his face when dreaming of his journeys and adventures out
Soon he knewed every spot around Fairhaven,Windermeer and Avendale.
And he was happy, therefore he didnt stop and searched for more spots
and different materials. He traveled to every island, every loneley
beach he could find. And everytime he found another spot he had not
marked on his maps he laughed out lound and danced around silly... at
least as long no one could watch him.
So the prospector did for years and so he was an expert some day.
He knewed everything a prospector could know about prospecting and
by the time he could smell materials in greater distance, sometimes
it was just even like a 6th sense. He knewed out there is material.
What made him unhappy was that he smelled or knewed that there are
materials, but he could not reach them. Kitinpatrols, groups of Zerx
and packs of Torback or Ragus where between him and the spots.
He was so obsessed by digging and mapping those spots that he even
needed the help of the Kamis to come back to life from coma sometimes.
But he could not give up. So he went to the Bars where the harvesters
have a drink or two after a long day on the fields. He told them that
he is almost sure that there are more materials and more grades out
there then most harvesters thought.
They laughed at him. "Its to far away" or "Its to dangerous" or
"Its too much effort" they told him and laughed at him.
"But we could have more grades and even some new spots with
excellent materials" he replied.
"Bah, forget about it" they answered. "We can import those materials
from Fyros, Matis or Zorai. No need to risk anything or put effort
into such" was their answer.
Sad he left the bar but still continued to prospect. Deeper and deeper
into dangeous parts of the lakelands. And everytime he smelled more and
more different spots and grades of materials.
Then Kami and Karavan started to have conflict. It looked like there was
a war comming.
The import of materials went thinner and thinner. Soon there was not a
single piece of the percious supreme materials from the Prime Roots
available on the lakeland markets.
Guilds hoarded or sold enormous amounts of materials. The guildhalls where
full to the roofs with materials and dappers. Everybody thought hes rich now
and well prepared for a possible war. But the thruth was the race of Trykers
itself was poorer then before. A younger homin no longer could afford one of
those strong amplifiers that where sold in earlier and more peaceful times.
Due to hoarding and selling for dappers the Kamis started to get upset.
It happened more often now that harvesters only stopped when the Kami where about punishment.
Again the prospector went to the harvesters and talked to them.
"There are huge spots we can dig without fearing the Kamis punishment"
he said. "We just need to stick together, then its easy to go there with
a Mektoub caravan." he added.
The harvesters laughed again. "Are you crazy ? War is comming. No time
for fooling around " was their answer. "But we even could get excellent
Zun amber for better amplifiers" he tried to argue. "Hahaha" they laughed.
"Just go and dig the easy materials, then you have soon enough money to buy
some of the supreme Zun from the roots on the black market" they said.
"Now, isnt it silly to empty the spots until the Kami get upset, just to
pay silly amounts for superior amber on the black market ?" he asked.
They just laughed again , turned away and left him standing there alone.
"Whats wrong with them ?" he thought. "All fellow Trykers have gone mad
it seems" "War, war and dappers is all they can remember" he added to
himself and went of to continue prospecting.
But then it happened. From one moment to the other it came to his mind.
His prospecting was useless now. Nobody needed those spots, nobody wanted
them. What he liked most and what he did with happiness was useless now.
He was useless now. And as homins went mad he went mad too. In its own way.
He dropped his cloth and jumped like mad towards a tribe of Cutes. Of course
they did recognice hes not a Cute and attacked him.
Soon he laid there in the dust... but the Kami brought him back. That made
him even mader and he taunted a pack of Torback by shouting them names.
You know what happened, soon he lied there on the ground. And again the
Kami brought him back.
Now he was really mad. He went to the Kamimaster of Enchanted island and
asked him why they always bring him back ? "cause its duty ours as promissed
by Kami" the master replied. "You stupid little ..." he shouted back.
"Who do you think i am ? Your puppet for a live and another 100 ?".
"Can not do anything bout this" the master replied calm and with a smile.
The prospector left the Kami without a word. "If i change to Karavan it wont
help" he thought. "They just bring me back and back again to be a useless
homin" he argued with himself.
Then he finally found the answer. Mad enough for such he was allready.
He went to the eastwall of Enchanted Island and climbed it up to the
top. On the other side was no land, just strange triangles and quadrangles.
"Now,this looks weird" he thought. "But it can not be weirder as whats
behind me" he said to himself and jumped.
The death of a prospector
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
The death of a prospector
Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Re: The death of a prospector
My friend, this was a fine telling indeed.
Yet one thing still rings my mind after reading this, are there any more tellings about this Homin ?
I fear that he be lost, have you heard anything else from or about him ?
It worries me.
Thank you for your lovely words
// Drakfot
Yet one thing still rings my mind after reading this, are there any more tellings about this Homin ?
I fear that he be lost, have you heard anything else from or about him ?
It worries me.
Thank you for your lovely words
// Drakfot
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Re: The death of a prospector
After some weeks Tryker gouvernment proclaimed him to be "permanent dead".rabcaz wrote:My friend, this was a fine telling indeed.
Yet one thing still rings my mind after reading this, are there any more tellings about this Homin ?
I fear that he be lost, have you heard anything else from or about him ?
It worries me.
Thank you for your lovely words
// Drakfot
But nobody knows exactly, the truth is hes still missing. His body was not found. There are rumors that a Karavan officer said that he had entered "The Matrix" and might come back. But you know what superstitious old Trykers tell if they dont understand something...
I , as last member of Shinto digging ltd., am very sad about such drama amongst colleagues. I sit a lot at home in windermeer and think about how such can be and happen. Should i follow and try to find him ? Therefore i am not around a lot in public at the moment.
Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Re: The death of a prospector
micrix wrote: I , as last member of Shinto digging ltd., am very sad about such drama amongst colleagues. I sit a lot at home in windermeer and think about how such can be and happen. Should i follow and try to find him ? Therefore i am not around a lot in public at the moment.
My friend, I am sorry that you feel such sadness and loneliness. Is there anything I can do to make it less painful for you ?
To hear that you sit alone and feels alone saddens me and I can understand your doubts. Yet with me you will always have a friend.
If you shall follow him or not I am no one to decide for you, only you can.
All I can say is that if you follows him, and fails to find him or the way back, Atys will not have the loss of one Homin , but for two great Homins to mourn for.
And so will I..
My friend take care
// Drakfot
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Re: The death of a prospector
that was a great, and sad story.
remember that the prospector still has all of the roots to discover
remember that the prospector still has all of the roots to discover

rushin ~ asleep
Re: The death of a prospector
Thank you for offering your help. Dear Drakfort i need to use OOC to continue. Sorry for that.rabcaz wrote:My friend, I am sorry that you feel such sadness and loneliness. Is there anything I can do to make it less painful for you ?
To hear that you sit alone and feels alone saddens me and I can understand your doubts. Yet with me you will always have a friend.
If you shall follow him or not I am no one to decide for you, only you can.
All I can say is that if you follows him, and fails to find him or the way back, Atys will not have the loss of one Homin , but for two great Homins to mourn for.
And so will I..
My friend take care
// Drakfot
I can not continue like it is. Lore is hell now. What i am supposed to do ? Should i decide that all messengers in the latest events are liars who pretend to be the voice of the Kami and Ma-Duk ? Cause the fluffies still smile at me, no matter what i do or not ? I think its pretty useless to play my own lore in a mmo. My sub was renewed 3 days ago, so it will run for another month. I was not online since last week and the newest posts are no motivation at all.
(this one is not from me)
Pay attention to your thoughts, because they become words.
Pay attention to your word, because they become actions.
Pay attention to your actions, because they become habits.
Pay attention to your habit, because they become your character.
Pay attention to your character, because it becomes your fate
Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment