Quotes about Slavery in the Lakelands from the Lore:
http://www.ryzom.com/?page=lore_races_t ... ces_tryker
We Trykers live by the virtues of freedom, equality and sharing. We believe all homins are equal and should live and let live. ...
If you believe in a world without tyranny or intolerance, with neither masters nor slaves, come help us build it!!
What we value most ?
To be a true Tryker, you gotta live by the virtues of freedom, equality and sharing :
- Freedom : Consider all homins responsible and free of their acts. Any homin violating the freedom of another will be in breach of the Homin Rights Act, which as it happens, was first drawn up by the Tryker Council.
- Equality : Every homin has an equal right to walk the land, to obtain instruction, to harvest the natural resources, to choose their own destiny, as long as they don't encroach on other homin rights.
http://www.ryzom.com/?page=lore_races_t ... ces_tryker
Homin Rights Act drawn up by Tryker Council to combat slave trade.
Ratification of Homin Rights Act by four peoples.
T'was indeed sad times that befell our fathers. Well, after ploughing his way through water route villages and outposts, razing everything in his path, the dark Duke, Gioni di Tylini sent an ultimatum at our mountain gates for us to lay down our arms or have our wives and children cut to the marrow. Well, true to our life-loving spirit and always quick to adapt to a tricky situation, the Tryker tribal chiefs thought it best to stay with the livin' so as to fight another day!
That notwithstanding, though, many a Tryker took their chances in the hills that backed onto the great impassable wall of the Zorai. But once the Matis closed in on them they were like sitting game for the picking and the Matis made examples out of most of them.
We were herded off like yelks in our thousands, driven to the Matis territories where we were divided up and dispatched over the lands. We were set to hard labor making arms and general skivvying for over fifty days and fifty nights till the answer to our prayers came, not from the sky but from underground : Loria and her company of intrepid Trykers were to change our way of thinking, and bring out our true colors in a way that we would never have dreamed...