If you mean "skill" regarding controls the answer is NO.
A lvl 20 mob will always beat the hell out of a lvl 10 character no matter how clever or fast-thinking.
Re: Combat
Dice roll, lvl v lvl skill, combat is based simply as stated above, the game does the rolls, if you hit a higher level mob you will do less damage because is has more armour rating and is of higher skill, as you gain levels, you will do more damage and with the right skills cut through its armour rating.
In all massively multiplayer games except for asherons call, tactical fighting is non exsistant. primaryly because in mmo tactics is considered exploiting terrain and thus cheating. So any chance of you using any kind of tactical advantage the terrain might give you is removed. To a degree some mmo allow for tactical terrain use like trees to hide behind but usually mobs using ranged will target and fire at you regardless of your position. In ryzoms if you try to stand behind a tree however, the mob will simply run around it to attack you.
It is simply just a slog fest, you run up and start hitting it as hard as you can. If you bring mates you can together hit it harder. xp is not shared to the extent of most mmo games, thus group combat is more worthwhile then say everquest where solo combat reaps higher rewards.
Although, practising your mouse clicking speed is required if you want to loot anything from a mob killed in a group, as the is currently no auto loot share.
In all massively multiplayer games except for asherons call, tactical fighting is non exsistant. primaryly because in mmo tactics is considered exploiting terrain and thus cheating. So any chance of you using any kind of tactical advantage the terrain might give you is removed. To a degree some mmo allow for tactical terrain use like trees to hide behind but usually mobs using ranged will target and fire at you regardless of your position. In ryzoms if you try to stand behind a tree however, the mob will simply run around it to attack you.
It is simply just a slog fest, you run up and start hitting it as hard as you can. If you bring mates you can together hit it harder. xp is not shared to the extent of most mmo games, thus group combat is more worthwhile then say everquest where solo combat reaps higher rewards.
Although, practising your mouse clicking speed is required if you want to loot anything from a mob killed in a group, as the is currently no auto loot share.
~ Martin
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Re: Combat
Imo, planetside is a very good game, and there you can shoot a player twice and kill him outright. However there are no mobs, and the basic game design is around pvp/rvr combat.Unregistered wrote:Thanks very much. I was looking for something like planetside only more realistic. You mentioned Ashertons call. that sounds interesting if they let you use first person shooter skills. Its not like im very good at fps games but I like to have controll over aiming and stuff rather than the dice roll more hours you put in the better your ods game. Planetside was supposed to be one and it is very disapointing. this game does sound like its worth checking out though. Thanks again ill look for it.
In rysoms pvp combat takes signifcantly longer time, and combat v mobs longer still in many cases. Depending on your choice of weapon, magic etc. Rpg Mmos are generally slow to kill mobs. Only certain classes (ranger types) generally can kill before a mob can get to within melee range, and of course magic users can use roots, to stop the mob even getting within melee. Combat is fun, it could be better, but making it better would be difficult at this stage in the game.
The way a game engine works especially around combat systems is something that needs designed at the very beginning of the game, thus further developement of the system is near impossible. So it will not change, but it is a good and enjoyable system. Could be better..but it could also be much worse.
~ Martin
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I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
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Re: Combat
I dont really like joint ops, it is definately good, its just abit too...i dunno...hard for me. lol. It reminds me of getting killed every 5 seconds in ghost recon tourneys because i couldnt see people... JO is like that. PS on the other hand it is easy to see everyone. Unless they stealthed..Unregistered wrote:Why play PS when you can play Joint Operations?
Lets face it: PS is laggy and unbalanced.
My advice: Play JO and SoR
~ Martin
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I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
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Re: Combat
Yeh, i played Bf up until the release of secret weapons of ww2, loved the game joined several big guilds that played it, play bf vietnams from time to time, as well. Tho i prefer the ww2 setting and weapons to more automatic stuff. No game every allows you to fly in a spitfire and bomb player driven tanks. At least not with as much fun as BF1942
~ Martin
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I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
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