The new loader screen is nice. The "jokes" while loading and especially while porting are.. erm.. tasteless.
Tooltips first impressed me. But when selling stuff its a bit "unusual". But no big thing, two hours later i didnt recognice them anymore. All in all i would say: very usefull, but not allover evrything. For example the tooltip of the mat in the foraging window is the same test that is standing there anyways.
The crafting window is just perfect. All data on one view without scolling. Really perfekt for playing around with mats.
The animations are, as someone said earlier, ingame even more worse then in the movies. The "stealth" patch of the new situp for Tryker males is worse enough. What was wrong with the situp we had for so long ?
Spells ? Well, i have no 250 spell. It doesnt hit me with a timebonus. No big thing for me, although i do not like the way how it was technical implemented. A simple add of 20% leaves, as far as i figured around, uneven numbers on the counterparts and one must "blow off" unused HP or SAP. A little more effort here would have been nice(er). Also, in PvE those 20% seem to me just wrong. A clopper in Winds of Muse is now a dangerous animal for me again (170 elementalist) when "just wandering" around solo.
Healing. Didnt heal a lot today, but i guess it will work fine for me. For other peoples gameplays i am not sure who will heal in future
Biggest shock where the honor stats in the personal window. A game comes in mind i left for Ryzoms deeply founded virtual reality. If it will go there, it will cost me a tear. I bite my tongue and will not comment more on this.
As long as i can harvest an craft without PvP and as long as i can join a hunt now and then i will look forward how the story will envolve and what episode 2 will bring.
After pach i had suddenly Kami fame

No, i am not upset about this, cause it saves me the time to work towards it