WTB Heavy Armor:
Since it will be a long while till I get my own crafting up to this kinda level, WTB sets of HA at QL250. Never much fussed about getting absolute max stats too much before as I usually only wore the stuff for a week before I was onto a new set.
Of course at 250, there's nuthing to "grow out of" so I might as well get something decent. Would like to obtain 1 primo set from each land simply for reasons of variety. I don't mind spending a "fair price" as accumulating dappers is not a goal nor is it difficult. Don't keep too much dappie on hand as anything over what I need for TP's and the occasional purchase is given away. I just won't support outrageous prices on principle as I think it places too much emphasis on earning rather than enjoying game.
Obviously, I'd like it to be a post patch set (anybody got that magic 60% yet) with emphasis on stats .... and color only as a "if it don't screw up stats" consideration. I am considerate of peeps privacy and do not want to pester peeps with PM's in the midle of boss fights so respond if you are crafter willing to accept an order no more than once per week and how you prefer to be contacted. If interested I can steer all guild orders above a certain level (180 or your choice) your way though you would only deal with me directly and no more than once a week for orders. As for order of aquisition, I'd say 1st DarthFyros Armor (Fyros), then Tin Man from Wizard of Oz Armor (Tryker), then Boy Scouts apply 1st aid to car accident victim armor (Zorai), and the puffy shouldered Matis.
So if you interested, or know some onewho might be interested, plz respond with necessary particulars to this thread.
Also if you have suggestions for any particulars that I might request in regard to such armors (cool features, parry vs dodge vs PF, or particular colors that are appealimng / disgusting for different races, any advice is appreciated. Since starting the game what 18-20 months ago, have not paid particular attention to looks, styles or colors, only what kept me standing. While the latter remains my primary concern, I need a little kick to keep me interested.
Wtb 250 Ql Ha
Re: Wtb 250 Ql Ha
just LOOOOOOOOLjared96 wrote:As for order of aquisition, I'd say 1st DarthFyros Armor (Fyros), then Tin Man from Wizard of Oz Armor (Tryker), then Boy Scouts apply 1st aid to car accident victim armor (Zorai), and the puffy shouldered Matis.

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