What is AGP memory?

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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 5:31 am

Re: What is AGP memory?

Post by crames »

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know I'm playing the game fine, and everything is running!

I followed another poster's advice from another thread on this board. Here's what happened:

I opened up Ryzom_recover, and patched the game. Manually restarted computer. Went into Ryzom_config, set it to Open_GL, and disabled vertex and pixel shades. Launched game. It asked me if I wanted to switch to Direct3d. I said no. It told me I had an AGP problem, just as before. Asked me if I wanted to know the details, I said no. Game launched. Once in-game, I could immediately tell that the performance and display issues were better. The mouse was still clunky, so I went to Game, configuration, input, and mouse, and checked the "hardware" box. Now the game runs fine, and the mouse is highly usable.

P.S., I do NOT have the mouse pointer problem where you have to cick below what you want to click on. Don't know why it works for me.
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