Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

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Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by lawrence »

The results of our poll regarding the planned, new race-specific animations are now available. As just announced by Nevrax:

Referendum Results - Racial Animations Put On Hold

The racial animations referendum ended yesterday evening, with a short advantage to the
'Keep the current animations' option (48.81% against 48.58%).

As promised, we are thus removing the racial animations from the next
patch. We'll gather your feedback and keep it at hand, to use it when
we'll have time to work on the new animations again.

Thanks to all participants - and to the 3D team for its good work. They
would probably appreciate a bit of encouragement on your part now!

Feel free to discuss the results.
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by rushin »

hehe good point. so to the 3D team remember that half those who voted liked your work! and i think its safe to say that everyone loved the Zorai sitting!
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by mrshad »

Please understand; This wasn't a referndum on the quality of the art work, which was, and is, great. It was a vote on if we agreed with some chatacter concepts that the animations seemed to reflect...

Are Zoria really large, blue gibbai with masks?
Are Trykettes really that easy?
Are Trykers really that easy?
Have the Fyros not learned how to walk up-right?
Can the Matis really not let thier buttocks hit the ground?

The choice wasn't easy, and that is reflected in the results. I think it was a difference of 2 or 3 votes. Some of the new animations I really liked, but the Matis sit and the Zoria run were deal breakers. As it was all or nothing, I had to choose nothing.

But, in our case, nothing is still really good :)
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by aylwyne »

I feel having it be an "all or nothing" vote was a disservice to both the artists that created the new animations and to the community that was forced to lump all of them together into a single vote.

I think you'll find in this type of situation, people tend to take a more conservative path. What I mean is, even if they like all but one of the animations, they'll still vote 'no' if the one they don't like is going to affect their character.

I'm willing to bet that most of the people that voted no weren't doing so because they didn't like all of the new animations. They were doing so because they didn't like a few of the new animations.

If we had been able to vote on each of the 8 race/gender combinations (or even break it down further with run/walk/sit), I think you'd have found a LOT more yes votes overall than no votes because many of the people that voted an overall 'no' would have been able to show their 'yes' vote for the ones they actually did like.

I definitely fall into this camp. The only change I strongly disliked was the Tryker male run. As I play a Tryker male, this hit close to home and even though I liked 80% of the changes, I couldn't vote 'yes'.

I think the intent is great and I really like a lot of the changes. I sincerely hope that the animation team will have the change to take the feedback, tweak the new animations, and come back with them soon. It'd be a shame to put all this work on the shelf for a long time when it wouldn't take a great deal of change to make it more acceptable to the masses.
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by norvic »

I was really torn on this and didnt vote in the end because the vote was too black and white.

I couldnt vote "no" to the new anims because some racial difference is a great idea and most of the anims are great.

I couldnt vote "yes" however because my char is a Tryker male and that particular anim I hated.

Hehe for more detailed response see Alwyne's above
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by danadita »

aylwyne wrote:I'm willing to bet that most of the people that voted no weren't doing so because they didn't like all of the new animations. They were doing so because they didn't like a few of the new animations.
aylwyne wrote:If we had been able to vote on each of the 8 race/gender combinations (or even break it down further with run/walk/sit), I think you'd have found a LOT more yes votes overall than no votes because many of the people that voted an overall 'no' would have been able to show their 'yes' vote for the ones they actually did like.
Anybody willing or able to create a poll like this? Seems only fair to help the artists get a proper critique and be able to tell that boss, "see I told you the bouncing was too much!"
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by holina »

I voted no because I tought some of the animations could use tweaking -- wasn't an easy decision cause there were many nice ideas/things.

Ryzom is the most beautyful MMO I've played till this day, so

/tar 3dteam

And this comes from someone who's not easy to please when it comes to visual beauty ;)
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by hawkes2 »

make the animations better, i believe in you nevrax

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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by thosholm »

Ok, New Animations OB1 was a failure, but there's always a FBT and an OB2 before they go Gold. Lots of tweaking still possible.

But a lot of great stuff in those. Loved the new Zoraï sit. The female Tryker sunbathing...
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Re: Poll Results: New Race-specific Animations On Hold

Post by micrix »

They all where very good. Keep them and give us much more.
Looks like skeleton animations, which is without scanned biodata a very hard job. You did a good job there. All thumbs up.

I posted in the feedback of the poll. Just let us choose (tell the coders) and please dont urge us to use certain ones.

I really would like to have much more, with much better usage ingame. Like we have a taunt skill without a taunt animation (fist up, or tongue out ;) )
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