kwhopper wrote:Or stop writing ridiculously long, sarcastic, overly exaggerated and uninteresting quote fests that only repeat the last ridiculously long, sarcastic, overly exaggerated and uninteresting quote fest you post just a page earlier. If you like them because they once and hush. I'm sure we all find what you have to say interesting enough to go back a few pages and take a peek.
That's rather shallow viewing, there was a dialogue in most of them or answering new points or attacking a new angle of explanation, but it seems those who like to kill are a bit too entrenched to see the other PoV.
I can appreciate some of the appeal of PvP but not the enjoyment in maliciously screwing up other people's fun or chestbeating.
And please, answer the previous question.
If Infinity have truly changed their ways I'll be happy to see it, but I'll believe it when I see it, especially in light of some of the other posts on here.