Riveit leaned heavily on Pipp as he staggered home along Fairhavens bridges. He kept lurching drunkenly in one direction or another. Suddenly, they were at his apartment door. He leaned against the doorframe and said, Thanksh Pipp! Would you wanna come in? You are so lovely and
Riveit made an off balance attempt to kiss her, but Pipp easily slipped under his arm. He tripped and fell against the railing by his door. Not tonight torbak! Get some sleep, she laughed and was quickly gone into the dark.
Riveit slumped back against his door and tried to collect himself as the world seemed to spin uncontrollably around. How did he get here? The period before walking with Pipp was an empty black space. But the early part of the evening was there. He had received the sweetest waving sword that he had ever touched from Yoshi, costing him most of his cash, and then he bought his best ever suit of black Tryker armor from Frydeswinde, putting him deeply into debt. He couldnt use either sword or armor yet. So he went out partying. He remembered drinking way too much stinga rum and proposing to a cute Thesosian dancer. But she slapped him when he said she was almost as beautiful as Kyerna. Uh oh
! Wasnt he supposed to deliver the alliance charter to Pero? What did he do with it? He started going through his pockets but all he could find was a message for some Matisian idiot in the Upper Bog. He had been putting off that delivery. Ah well, sleep, sleep would help, everything would be resolved in the morning.
He fumbled with the latch and then opened the door to his apartment and started down the stairs. **SPLASH** One step and he was suddenly under water. He struggled in surprise and pushed his way back to air, coughing and sputtering out lake water. He threw off an yber wing which was over his face and picked some adriel bark out of his mouth. Arrrgghhh! Stupid leaking windows! He knew he should have caulked those better. All the mats that he had been gathering were floating around the room. The water had the rank and greasy taste of gulatch oil. What a freaking mess! He paddled over to his eating table and pulled himself onto it. It still floated with his upper body on it. It would take forever to clean this place up. He needed to sleep
some sleep would help
just a short nap
A Soggy Evening
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
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