New Executive Producer's Letter, Aug 22

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Re: New Executive Producer's Letter, Aug 22

Post by sofiaoak »

I also thank You for the free month. Hope that all goes well and Nevrax’s upcoming expansion testing in November will come as scheduled.
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Jessica Mulligan
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Re: New Executive Producer's Letter, Aug 22

Post by Jessica Mulligan »

killgore wrote:I'd like to take a moment to thank you for the free month. I'd also like to thank Jessica for getting all of us moving forward again.Creating momentum from a product that was staganting of such a large scope must've been a daunting task. It's nice to look to the future and see Ryzom expanding again. The dates as projected are close enough to ge me excited but I would also understand if there were delays in the name of making sure it is a finished product. I can't wait for outposts. I'd like to reserve Staring Stronghold as it is near my close friend Dai-den. Having a Kincher in your front yard is also likely to keep away the riff raff :-) Killgoretrout
Naw, this is a good crew, as you'll see from the work that comes out in the next couple months. All I provide is a little guidance, based on a bit more experience; they take it and run with it. Pretty impressive for a crew on their first MMO.
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Re: New Executive Producer's Letter, Aug 22

Post by gialla »

Well, I'm not an old player...I've started about a month ago but I want to thank you for the free month and for letting us know that there's something new coming soon. This will make old players like the ones in my guild very happy.

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Re: New Executive Producer's Letter, Aug 22

Post by rundll32 »

I think i speak for the community as a whole when i say its nice to believe that the developers do appreciate our patience and custom - i agree with the post regarding the free month - whilst it is appreciated, dont get me wrong, i would hate to think that it may jepoardise future development or anything like that - but then i guess if that was the case you would be apologising for raising our fees rather than giving us free game time :)

Reassurance is also noted - and appreciated equally - its some times furstrating as a player - and easy to believe that we are not actually valued customers - so gestures such as this do actually mean something imo. Role on the content and fuuun :)
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Re: New Executive Producer's Letter, Aug 22

Post by ozzy111 »

I am an old player who has returned for a look see at the promised content release. I return to find SoR on the other side of financial difficulty and a new sherrif in town. I've watched the process and compared it to the old and am happy to say it seems calmer and more professional in the way changes are handled. Goals now seem attainable with the new system of implementation. You've done a good job harnessing things. May you continue to have success.
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