Played, bored, quited

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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by grimjim »

asyne wrote:Just as a general IMO to all the nay-sayers who think that Ryzom is...
I think 'cardboard box' was a positive thing.

After all, with a bit of imagination a cardboard box can be a lot of things!
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by basicart »

Aya true but what fool would pay $15 a month for one? lol
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by sofiaoak »

How many of You have noticed that these same problems are in every game what is out there. It's all about how long it takes people to get bored, sooner or later they all get bored. If people wanna get trough, they need to finding ways to avoid geting bored and not blame someone else about it. Usually game developers, publisher or other players. Basicly everyone and everyting else but them self.

Every game where I have been played, problems starts from two main reason.

1. Missing content. Notting to do, because game has too little content from start. (also, promised content is not in game)

2. Balance. Someone whines someting, then dev team nerf someting and so on. What is given to player, should not be taken away from player, without VERY good reason. (PvP and PvE balance conflicts)
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by micrix »

grimjim wrote:I think 'cardboard box' was a positive thing.

After all, with a bit of imagination a cardboard box can be a lot of things!
Grimjim wins :) My little story was not a metaphor. It was a true story.

It would be scary to me if anyone really thought i was telling a metaphor.

Ever saw a poor child in RL or on TV who has builded a car out of old plastic bottles and some beverage cans ? Cheap crap some would say, the funny thing is they play the whole Formular 1 seasson in their minds. They dont call for content upgrades, their minds are full of content. Think about this and when you think you are out of content, then ask yourself whats wrong with you. Not really to offend someone, sometimes 10 hours sleep change a whole world.
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by grimjim »

basicart wrote:Aya true but what fool would pay $15 a month for one? lol

Your basic cardboard box is just a cardboard box.

What you've got HERE is a modular cardboard box fort-building SYSTEM, with many different coloured boxes that can be put together in many different ways, waterproof, with hidden treasure maps and stories folded away in secret pockets in the boxes and new boxes being added all the time. Like a giant box lego set!
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by sx4rlet »

sofiaoak wrote:How many of You have noticed that these same problems are in every game what is out there. It's all about how long it takes people to get bored, sooner or later they all get bored. If people wanna get trough, they need to finding ways to avoid geting bored and not blame someone else about it. Usually game developers, publisher or other players. Basicly everyone and everyting else but them self.

Every game where I have been played, problems starts from two main reason.

1. Missing content. Notting to do, because game has too little content from start. (also, promised content is not in game)

2. Balance. Someone whines someting, then dev team nerf someting and so on. What is given to player, should not be taken away from player, without VERY good reason. (PvP and PvE balance conflicts)
Good point Sofiaoak!
Every MMO i played got boring after some time. Even the ones which had a lot of content at the start. It is just how fast you try everything, and if you are creative enough to try new things.
Little side thought: if people pay 15 euro a month for a game for nine months, without getting new content, there must be something good about the game...
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by katriell »

Now we children had two huge cardboard boxes to play with. We had 2 weeks fulltime content with them until the rain destroyed them. Tell me what is your problem ? Spoiled or braindead ?
*claps* :)


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Don't just sit there like helpless infants waiting to be spoon-fed. The content's in the refridgerator, in the form of several basic ingredients and a bowl. Get on your feet and mix those ingredients into fun in the bowl (the platform: Ryzom) that's been provided!
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by sidusar »

sx4rlet wrote:Good point Sofiaoak!
Every MMO i played got boring after some time. Even the ones which had a lot of content at the start. It is just how fast you try everything, and if you are creative enough to try new things.
That's true, the devs could never implement new content fast enough to keep the players occupied. How long would it take them to design, create and test a new rite? And how long would it take you to finish it? No matter how much rites there are, sooner or later you will have finished them all. No matter how big the world is, sooner or later you will have seen every part of it. After a certain time of playing the game simply will not entertain you anymore. Eventually I'm sure I will be bored with the game as well.

I could make a very long list of things I consider to be wrong with Ryzom, but even if all those faults were fixed, the game would still get boring after a certain time. This time would be longer than it is now, and thus players would stick around longer, the servers would be busier and Nevrax wouldn't be in financial trouble, but fact remains the game would still get boring after a while. Ofcourse, that doesn't mean there should be no attempt to keep the game entertaining for as long as possible. Just keep in mind that if you are bored with the game now, new content is only going to entertain you until you've finished it, after that you'll be bored again.

The creatures being too powerfull isn't something I consider to be wrong with Ryzom, by the way. Sometimes it's frustrating to be killed by mobs 50 levels below me, but overall I rather like the sense of danger it gives. I like that staying alive has as much to do with being carefull and knowing the area and movement patterns of the creatures, than with how high level you are. I like how this system means a level 50 homin can move around a red zone if he's carefull and a level 150 homin can't walk around in a blue zone like he's untouchable. But that's a matter of personal preference.

As for all the alleged 'fanbois', or people refusing to admit there's a problem, it may be me but I've never seen them. Who are they? I don't believe that there is anyone on these forums, or in game for that matter, who believes Ryzom to be absolutely perfect and devoid of flaws.
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by micrix »

As this Zorai swordmaster once said: You must learn to accept your surroundings as they are. Only if you reach this truth you are able to interact on your surroundings as it should be.
Everything else is a dream in a dream in a dream...
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Re: Played, bored, quited

Post by elwen »

anttimus wrote:Well, it's sad my first post is also my last one. Started, played, got bored, quited. I just couldn't figure it out what's the purpose of training your character. Everything seems so pointless.
I know I shouldn't say this but, well... what else did you expect? Honestly, I get the impression (and correct me if I am wrong) that you are not experienced in playing MMOs.

A bit of background about my MMO habits: I've played several MUDs (text-based MMOs) all the way back in the early 90s, missed the everquest revolution, but have max-level characters in Star Wars Galaxies, Final Fantasy XI, Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes and Guild Wars.

The problems that you have with Ryzom are not unique to Ryzom -which is not to say Ryzom is without problems, that's another issue. But the truth is that every single MMO out there, from the highly popular (i.e. WoW) to the relatively obscure ones (i.e. Ryzom), will become pointless and boring after some time. This is inevitable.

Some people have already exposed the reasons why people play MMOs in the first place (i.e. exploration, role-play, craft, etc.), and while the end-game content may vary from MMO to MMO (such as Dynamis in FFXI, Molten Core raids in WoW, Castle Sieges in Lineage 2, etc.), the "basic" thrill of the game lies in watching your character "grow" as you level up.

Really, contrary to popular belief, there is no hidden pot of gold at the end of the proverbial MMO-rainbow. Once you level up your character, once you have acquired all the skills you need, and the gear you want... well, there will be very little else to do.

In my opinion, the only type of MMO that I have played, that has a truly meaningful, highly interesting and outstanding end-game content is, ironically enough, the oldest one of them all... text-based MUDs, where once you reached max-level you could become immortal and start building your own areas.

So, to sum things up, I believe your dissatisfaction with Ryzom is not inherent of Ryzom, but of the MMO model in general. Maybe you got bored with Ryzom quicker than other games, but trust me, you WILL get bored with every single MMO out there after some time, no matter how popular they may be at the time you play them.

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