thebax wrote:I don't know alot about this, as I've only seen a few people who I'm fairly certain were botting. Those were digging in Dyron (Prospect, Dig 2, CP 2, repeat) They inevitably died. When you rezzed them, they spazzed for a moment, then went back to it, and died again. Seemed pointless.
That's a fine example of a bad botter, one who cheats but can't even get that right... good stuff
I've never seen botting in Ryzom, though I've never looked for it either, so who knows. Worst case I saw was in SWG - in fact it almost seemed as though SOE had developed the ability into the game on purpose.
A certain class (I think TK unarmed combat) was able to do a move called 'tumble', which involved them falling and rolling on the floor. The trick was, tumble used up a small amount of HP, which was enough to be healable by Docs/First Aid players. So, the hospital would be full of people macro-chatting "Tumbling for your Doc XP, Plz tip me 2500 with /bank, any non-tippers will be added to ignore list". In front of them, you'd see several muppets... I mean trainee doctors scrabbling to heal the bit of health being lost. Amusing, and sad in similar amounts