Login & Ryzom.com website temporarily unavailable, July 31

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Login & Ryzom.com website temporarily unavailable, July 31

Post by lawrence »

As previously announced yesterday:
Nevrax (Announcement posted on Sunday, July 31st) wrote:Between 6:30 am and 1 pm today (Paris time, GTM+2), you may have experienced delays while entering the game. The Ryzom.com website was also partially unavailable. This is now resolved.

This issue came from a burst of requests on the SQL servers used for serving web pages, such as Ryzom.com, the forum and some in-game tools. It slowed down the retrieval of these webpages, causing the aformentioned effects. No homin has been harmed in the process, :) since these databases aren't used for the storage of your characters.

Sorry for the inconvenience; have a good Sunday!
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