I gots to say fer frustrations:
*Wastin mass amount's o' hard-earned, rare mats and gittin a Q160 somthin' fine as yer best when yer tryin fer a Q250 supreme, wit a 62% chance, blech. 1-2 degrades outta three I culd live wit, but 22 outta 22 scorches me sails.
*Lack o' TP's fer high level areas. Blasted teasers
*No hats to shade me head frem de sun. It be messin wit me brains. Bluggah-merble-whisket. Kippers inna elderberry bush. Slartibartfast.
*Gittin' deaded. Alot.
*Not bein able to use me highest level diggin' stanzas, cuz 4550+ focus an max regen ain' enuff.
*Completely useless stanzas ya gits tricked inta buyin, like "Hit Quadreped Torso" or Sleep spell.
Tings I be likin'
*We lives inna beauty o' a werld, props to de builders, be dey Ma-Duk, Jena, de Progenitor known as Pong, or some guy named Fred.
*De bouncy-bouncy Fems. Wuldna be werth it witout dem