d29565 wrote:When I first started this game, people weren't rude to one another as they are now, as most are being on this thread right now. I wonder what has taken place, what exactly set in motion this new phase of rudeness? Did you know that some people wont even let their kids play with them anymore because of how ignorant some people are in game now?
I know that there are people that I used to respect and even look up to when I was a newb, but now-they've all become jerks. I can understand the killing in PR, it is a pvp area. But, from experience, I have seen people from the guilds which do most of the pvping laugh people they have killed, and make fun of them. How immature. (Not real sure where this connects in this thread, I know it does somewhere though. Just thought I would add this little bit. Somehow, I predict negative posts from this..dont know why tho.)
PvP happened....
That and the fact that some people with a severe lack of imagination have hit the lvl cap in several (combat) skills for some reason leads to what could be considered grief killings.
In one of the other "PvP threads" someone said the being killed in SoR (or any other computer game..) doesn't hurt anyone but he was wrong...
When you play a game you usually have a goal so when PvP isn't your goal, or not what you're after
at this moment getting killed will prevent you from reaching that goal. In other words: by killing people in PvP zones you have become an obstacle for those who are there for other reasons than PvP.
Now if everything was "fair" all of this wouldn't be much of a problem but things aren't fair now are they? The lvl difference will give certain players an advantage over others and PvP isn't fun when you are being nuked to death by a AoD while you're say... lvl 150. People tend to get upset when they feel they are treated unfairly (there's the "hurt") and they tend to get angry at the people who treated them thus. Now you could say that there's no difference between being killed by a Vorax and a player but there
is a player chooses to kill, the vorax just follows it's program. PvP is personal even if the player doing the killing is following the same kind of narrow minded "programming" as the vorax (it's a PvP zone: accept the risks or stay away...)
The "hurt" of being killed in a PvP zone would be less if there was a good reason for it and if it was done with respect towards the "victim" but some people don't see the need for either. I think most (if not all) people would get angry if they were PK'ed for
no good reason and then
mocked by their killer...
In short: things get out of hand because of a few short sighted selfish people who care about nobody as long as they are having fun regardless of how their behavior effects others and ignorant of the possible long term effects of their behavior... (griefers can kill an MMO...)