twitches wrote:some of the predators in the roots sleep, perhaps this could be an indication to a night cycle, or do they do that action no matter the time of day?
As far as I know, there are no day/night cycles in there. (they just aren't there, not talking about them being visible or something)
vguerin wrote:2 hours of trying to get thru Bounty was enough for me, a dude with me had been trying for 10.
We had several people trying to get across Bounty for
days (can't really tell how they managed to cope with the situation), and coming from the Trench of Trials side. I personally gave up after like 4 hours of just dodging, dying, doging, dying, dodging, dying.. and I do consider myself a pretty good in creature dodging. And above all, they are so tightly packed there that you really can't afford to go near a kipee pack as there's bound to be one torbak or whatnot prowling among them (that you just can't see).
It's an overkill and so far I haven't seen a situation that bad anywhere else in Atys (maybe some parts in the roots, but they hardly aren't blocking any vital passages).