Xavier wrote:To explain the difference, let's take the example of Guild A trying to defend its outpost against Guild B. With guild alliances, Guild A could invite Guild C to help; if accepted, all the players in Guild C would be automatically tagged as defenders. With individual alliances, each player could join, independently, either side.
There are advantages with both: guild alliances are simpler and gives more power to the guild leaders, while individual alliances give more freedom to each player, is more challenging for guild leaders (they have to make sure their troops follow them) and allows treason.
What do you think? If you were us, which would you implement first? Or would you try it a third way?
So basically, Guild Alliance I am assuming if your guild leaders decide to ally with each other, you as part of the guild automatically become the defender or attacker of the outpost if you're in the zone of combat. You have no choice over the matter except to smack yer guild leader upside the head for making the alliences,
Individual Alliance, where you get to choose yourself wether you want to be an alley to the guild personally, and not depending on your guild leader.
Personally, I think the individual alliance is more complex and be more interesting to play out, so I voted that, although I fear that if they choose to go this method, they will delay the Outposts some more (I can see how much simpler coding wise the 1st option would be).
There's also the question of: what is the purpose of being in a guild if you aren't uniform in your alliance decision?