I've been playing Ryzom for few days now, mainly as an explorer and not trying to get stronger, but the truth is eventually i have to, in order to explore more dangerous areas

I have few questions which just slips my mind:
1) Rites
Suppose i have done the three specific tasks to get the friendship of Corsairs, the three progression is filled up in my Encyclopedia but the Rite is not given i believe, well how do i take a rite? do i need to speak to someone? how to take final rites in any progression to get cubes of amber in general?
2) Experience points
I realized that as higher we go in level we require more and more xp points in order to level up. What is the system behind it? suppose a player of level 35-39 or so would have to get around 23,000 xp to level up.. so what's the increase in the requirement of xp gaining?
Thanks in advance, i know these are newbish questions, but i cant seem to figure it out O_o