Don't feed the resellers

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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by totnkopf »

larwood wrote:you've go to be kidding. Cummon, stay on the topic.
You brought it up... hence my quote of your post. No one had mentioned KOS until you did.
larwood wrote:Why don't we just bring in terrorists, and how they effect trade. What about exhange rates, and market appreciation.... hey, while we are on ridiculous tangents lets defend people like Hitler, or Polpot who killed people becasue they didnt agree with their ideas and beliefs.

Is that where you're trying to get Morgaine?
yes, I'm trying to defends Hitler by posting about killing people in a PvP zone over jewelry. Why is it that whenever I post people always end up on the Nazi/Hitler tangent with me?
Larwood wrote:I brought up KOS becasue it is terrorism. Trying to make a point by using terror.... dont even go there, you wont win.
Well, I don't think KOS is terrorism. Terrorism is the use of illegal actions to obtain a goal or promote an ideology. Since nothing I mentioned was illegal, its not terrorism. If it was then countries like the United States, Great Britain, China, and all other countries would be lumped into that label.

Anway, I'll stop taking this post "off topic" now.
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by larwood »

totnkopf wrote:You brought it up... hence my quote of your post. No one had mentioned KOS until you did.
MORGY... what are you saying? You brought it up!! Look back in the post before you make accusations! You told Basic that his KOS list is growing.
totnkopf wrote:Why is it that whenever I post people always end up on the Nazi/Hitler tangent with me?
Thats a good question. You'll need to figure that out.
totnkopf wrote:Well, I don't think KOS is terrorism. Terrorism is the use of illegal actions to obtain a goal or promote an ideology. Since nothing I mentioned was illegal, its not terrorism.

Please, like i've said earlier... if you are going to comment... make it a sensible argument. I dont know where you learned what terrorism is, but it does not in any way have to be illegal.

I just pulled out my Dictionary... the American Heritage, Volume 4... and under terrorism it says:

terrorism: The political use of violence or intimidation. To corerce by intimidation or fear...

Please Morg, dont shame yourself... just stop.
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by totnkopf »

ter·ror·ism (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

And last I checked, PvP zones were still in the game. and I do believe that they're to be used to attack other players. So should that choice of who to attack be random?
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by larwood »

totnkopf wrote:ter·ror·ism (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

look closer before you dig a deeper hole for youself.

... unlawful or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

like I said, terrorism does not have to be illegal.
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by totnkopf »

larwood wrote:look closer before you dig a deeper hole for youself.

... unlawful or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

like I said, terrorism does not have to be illegal.
give me an example where a threat of force IS NOT illegal.
"Change that law or I'll beat you up"
In US, thats illegal and will get a person arrested. Hence, illegal actions.
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by larwood »

totnkopf wrote:give me an example where a threat of force IS NOT illegal. In US, thats illegal and will get a person arrested. Hence, illegal actions.

I dont need to.

Common sense is on my side, and besides, the burdeon of proof is the responsibility of the prosecution. Terrorisom... is using terror. Threats, fear... there are many ways terror can be used to achieve malicious purposes. Sure many of them are against the law... but laws are very relative... changing from society to society. So, arguing the point of what is legal, and what is not... its just not a plausable or reasonalbe thing to do.

But you're definition supports my stand. We need not go further off topic. If you want to start a new thread, and we can all discuss terrorism and such, please go ahead. I will be the first one to respond.
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by haddo »

mboeing wrote:I can understand him, but after all its a free market game. So everyone is up to do as he likes. If haddo is upset by ppl buying his wares and selling them more expensive, he should sell them more expensive in the first place.
LOL. I am not upset. Read my original post. It is YOU the players that should be upset. But if you don't mind paying more for jewels for no reason, that's ok with me.

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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by iwojimmy »

haddo wrote:LOL. I am not upset. Read my original post. It is YOU the players that should be upset. But if you don't mind paying more for jewels for no reason, that's ok with me.

Yay !! back on topic :)

We all know the Ryzom economy is not perfect, either theoretically or practically. So some people are 'exploiting' the way the game works to generate more wealth for less effort.. They may think they are being clever and scoring points off the poor suckers who buy from them, getting an ego boost. I know they arent harming the crafter, as they are paying the original purchase price, and they are only mildly inconveniencing the end purchaser, because if you need q250 jewels, you damm well can afford to pay for them.

So, no great harm done, why all the fuss?

Its because they havent earned the right to take my dappers..
they have done nothing worth paying for.
I would pay the same price, to the actual crafter, and not complain (much)
but to have some sleazy little marketer come in and try to take 10% or whatever, because they have tied up the supply, offends me.
Its like paying taxes, without even getting any services etc.

Leeching.. dappers, mats, or XP, is the sort of behaviour you get from selfish kiddies, and I had really hoped the population of Ryzom was better than that.

If I said "treat them with the respect they deserve", would it be less offensive than "treat them like the scum they are" ??
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by rrwfreak »

Since my video card died on me Thursday evening in the throws of blue flame and smoke, and let this be a lesson to all you kiddies out there about hard modding a video card and getting a little too zealous in trying to squeeze every ounce of clock speed out of the gpu and the video memory, I've been reading, reading and reading the forums some more....more than usual of course.

WOW!!!!!!!!! Did this thread go off topic or what! Although, it does seem to be back on target. Someone get Morgy and Thom some boxing gloves. :) j/k

Haddo simply was asking peoples help in boycotting resellers that don't ask a crafter's permission to resell and then go against that crafter's wishes about reselling their wares.
Last edited by rrwfreak on Sat May 14, 2005 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Don't feed the resellers

Post by larwood »

/off topic
iwojimmy wrote: Its like paying taxes, without even getting any services etc.
what services??

/back on topic
Thom / Tommy
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