To the administrator of these boards: Forum reorganisation?

Posts: 111
Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:10 pm

To the administrator of these boards: Forum reorganisation?

Post by larsa »

In my "humble" opinion the boards here need another organisation, more like the old beta boards have been. Currently there is no "general" forum for Ryzom but only general boards for the different communities. Also, there are no craft, combat, magic, harvest, etc. forums anymore - with the result that the different communities discuss about the same things in different threads, and that makes it very difficult to follow these discussions.

Of course there's nothing wrong with server specific boards for server specific topics but currently we have only server specific forums with the exception of this guest forum. That's why I post this suggestion here - there is no other general forum one could post to. ;)

I'd recommend we have forums for the four communities (along with their guild and event forums), a general board, a guest area and specific forums for specific areas of the game, i.e. combat, magic, craft and harvest.

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