Lately, I find myself having trouble finding anything in particular I would really like to do while in game. As a solution to this personal problem, I am offering my services free of charge to any who wish them.
Stipulation is you must provide mats. I dig, a lot, but I have currently no desire whatsoever to go out and deal with the dig to craft time ratio, so no, I will not take orders and provide goods for dappers. If you can't personally get mats, I suggest you ask around for a digger to help you out.
I can currently craft:
All 4 races MA, from basic through high quality, up to q160 with a 72% success rate, with the exception of gloves. (they're a bit low yet).
Zorai and Fyros LA, with full focus, sap, or hp bonuses, but as its a secondary skill, the fail rates are considerably higher.
Zorai basic and MQ amps, up to q150 with a 60% success.
Also have all 1h Zorai weapon plans, and Pike. Pike crafting skill is 101 though, and 1h weapon skill is 94, so there is fail rates to take into account with those as well.
And Zorai and Fyros jewelry, up to q120, with a higher fail rate on earrings.
Any parties wishing my services can find me loitering around the Min-Cho stables generally from 3pm EDT untill approximately 4am EDT, with some variations on my wakeup time. All mats required I will over estimate the required numbers, to help to ensure that when mats are brought to me, I will (hopefully) not need to send someone out to get more because of any fails during the crafting. Any extra left over mats at the time of completion will be returned, unless specified that I may keep them.
*Free* Crafting
Ryzom's market place. Sell your hard earned wares here or pick up a bargain.
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