quasar11 wrote:Killing of unarmed civilians has never been condoned and those caught doing so are constantly prosecuted. Ask the Serbians and Rwandans.
I know you are american, so don't take this personally, but think of the handling of iraqui "war" prisoners, one-sided war declaration (which is forbidden by the UN and was stepped on with the "weaps of massive destruction" excuse) and other abuses, you can see that line fades a bit... Bottom line, all goes in love and war (economical war too, as that was all the iraqui invasion was about *grin*). But i guess we'll never see mr bush sitting at the hague will we?
This is a game, so no real casualties, and therefor war is only fun, at least for me... For example when i was shot down at PR by a mob of Kami people, who were lead to that by some who don't really fancy me, all i did was a quick remark here, even though i am Kami... its war, and i was looking for them as well so can't really complain but for the sheep attitude.
Don't know what im saying anymore lol, but its quite obvious to me this sort of thing happens often, the diference is some people talk others don't, some people have big strenghts behind them, others don't, some people think of this as a game event, others don't...