hans1976 wrote:
The digging in Fount was nice enough, although this weekend the Kami anger struck upon the careless ones there. Better you people start using gentle plans and stop blowing up / gassing sources, this might happen again! But I dug a lot, way to much for a small Tryker girl to be really healthy for body and spirit.
Oups.. that two days me was leveling swords. To give you a hint: Made level 172, 173 and 174 in foraging at fount in 2 days. But no gas, no boom. I swear Afterwards i destroyed my pick and went to fyros hunting
Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Such angrines is shared also by this Tryker girl. I tried to be friendly with the customers, making very cheap armors, and as a crafter you all know the pain in getting the materials, or even raising all the skill branches to the HQ pattern. Aniway i will endure In any case i'm sure getting less tell than you Heavy Armor crafters, as my specialization, funny as is, is the Medium.
And 70% of the orders tell i get, are about "wanting to give a cool looking present to my fiancee", instead of "i need an excellent dodge modifier medium"
She who asks herself why she is here, should drink some more.
After our little chat earlier this week, a lot of things happened all at once. Methinks a way is discovered, possibly *the* way, to a good friendship for all hominkind, a way where we all prosper and where the Warrior and the Wizard are well equipped, the Craftsman and the Digger still are rich.
In short it works like this: all do what they are good at! I am good at crafting armors, some other shine most while digging. Of course I can dig my part and I will do so when looking for a change, but mostly I buy my crafting mats from others. Without gathering knowledge or wisdom of the ways to dig in the desert or the fine art of harvesting the Prime Roots, still it is possible for me to craft a black heavy Fyros armor.
What one can see happening is a fine grid of crafters, digger, fighters and wizards doing business with each other where the normal merchants are nowhere in the process. I can see hunters getting the message at last and taking orders for batches of quartered pieces at higher lvls. There are a few Warrior mages that have no intention ever to do any digging, but realize a digger's job is dangerous and take the job of sentry guards or pathmakers. And also realize this is valuable so charge good prices or arrange discounts from the one they protect.
Anyone paying attention can see the living organism Hominkind became the last months, the thriving economic structures between all the seperate lands, merchants who are supplied well.
So my fellows, drink some more with me to celebrate the beauty of Atys, I am buying this round.
Last edited by hans1976 on Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:some typo's nothing special
Born as refugees. Fighting for survival. Struggling to just eek out an existance.
Have we now arrived at over journeys end, built a civilisation?
The answer my friends and fellow Homins, I am afraid to say is NO!
We are at the point of a new beginning. We have change the world of Atys, but there is much more work that needs to be done.
So stop for a second and savour the taste of success, smell the flowers and sing songs. Prepare for tomorrow now. This is not the end of our quest, its the begin of the next great step.
But learn the lessons of the past and remember them well.
Remember fellow Homin, this day is like now other day! Its the FIRST day of the rest of our lives. Spend you time wisely, as its the one thing you can never replace.
Work hard with enthusiasm. Fight with passion. Love with all you heart.
For this lofe you have is not a practice run, for one to come. It is the only one you will every have, use it wisely and do your very best.
Tomorrow, brings great adventures and provides with great memories.
Word spreads fast in Atys, so I have a tale to tell......
I was dressing to go hunting when I received a plea for help. Hunters stand at the Kami Teleport, ready to go. The request was as follows:
I need an armour, in a hurry, can you make it?
Well, with a healer on her way to Thesos and my digging gear still on, I gave the request some consideration. It was a mere ql150 set, no great challenge for my skills, but blue and High Quality! I was ask how long it would take. I answered, foolishly 20 mins! I stores are full of leveling mats so I couldn't just make it there and then.
Informing my friend (the healer), that I would be delayed a short while, I accepted the challenge!
While digging, the frantic customer check my progress, I kept him informed!
Ql150 is easy as the Fount has good, easily obtainable resources...... but oh how did I let my memory fail me. Fount provides best Red armours, for Blue is a challange here!
Collecting enough resources to make the set and faced with a choice ..... cut it with fine for the colour or get the right blue mats. Those that know me, know the answer was simple, blue mats.
A trip to Enchanted Isle was to collect the required materials.
The armour was made and delivered.
The '15 minute armour' is what I have named it and I was paid in full with a bonus.
This almost killed me doing this, my carer fainted (crashed) and I hated leaving my friend stranded. I also did it with DP, which is always a pain.
Please don't ask me to do stuff like this as the answer maybe no next time. I love a challenge and this one was fun, as a one off. It also made a great story for me to share with you.
Thanks for all that helped and the great adventure we had afterwards.
Thine memory hast failed you badly! In Fount there are 3 types of blue sap to find, and all are excellent, 3 types of oil, one is blue and two types of wood, one is blue.
These are in easy to reach, easy to harvest locations. I can now see why you stopped crafting armors, this is making me smile a bit and shake my head softly.
I can't but ask Seren to care well for you in the near future, when your memory fails you altogether and you will have to be fed like the very young Tryker are fed.
Thine memory hast failed you badly! In Fount there are 3 types of blue sap to find, and all are excellent, 3 types of oil, one is blue and two types of wood, one is blue.
These are in easy to reach, easy to harvest locations. I can now see why you stopped crafting armors, this is making me smile a bit and shake my head softly.
I can't but ask Seren to care well for you in the near future, when your memory fails you altogether and you will have to be fed like the very young Tryker are fed.
Now, how are we feeling today?
Dizzy and in love, happier than a happy thought.
Tis not really my old age that effects my mind, but we wouldn't want a certain young, beautiful, charming and witty lady, to think she has me that far under her spell. Would we? *wink*