[Edit: This has been reposted from Windermeer.]
In an effort to help keep the community informed of events, our calendar is available for all to post their events on. We're hoping that people can 1) be more aware of what is going on and when with a visual aid/calendar and 2) be able to have their public events that they plan available for all to see in the same fashion.
Also anyone who comes up with public events and doesn't wish to post on our calendar, I urge you to post under at least "The Saga" part of these Ryzom forums, we will transfer events posted there manually to our calendar. Please try and keep all times in GMT, if not...post the timezone and GMT offset in your event listing. (example: Event @ 18:00 GMT) Where 18:00 GMT is 6pm in GMT...1pm EST (GMT-5)...6pm UK etc. ALL of the old times on the calendar are in EST (GMT-5)...all times from here on out should be in GMT! If your region uses daylight savings, you would add 1 hour to the offset. EDT Eastern Daylight Time (summer) GMT-5 +1... EST Eastern Standard Time GMT -5.
If you're confused yet...just wait for the in-game announcement of the event that's happening! :0P
Please don't abuse our calendar. Thanks and enjoy. :0)
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Last edited by grandma on Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fixed daylight savings, standardized all times worldwide, and solved world hunger :0)
Reason: fixed daylight savings, standardized all times worldwide, and solved world hunger :0)
grandma wrote:(example: Event @ 18:00 GMT) Where 18:00 GMT is 6pm in GMT...1pm EST (GMT-5)...7pm UK (GMT+1) etc. ALL of the old times on the calendar are in EST (GMT-5)...all times from here on out should be in GMT!
Because of daylight savings, your times are actually wrong. EST is only 5 hours behind BST (otherwise known as current UK time). So 7pm UK would be 2pm EST.
Daylight savings confuses things as GMT never changes. It is best to base times on current UK time (be it BST or GMT depending on the time of year), then people can jsut add or subtract based on their time zone.
hehe, or throw out the whole daylight savings time and go with UTC/GMT only global!
O_o Why not just use the official event calendar?
That would just be far to easy, come on who would want to do it the easy way? When so much fun can be had with confusing time constants!sprite wrote:O_o Why not just use the official event calendar?
err hes got a point here guys

\o/borg9 wrote: err hes got a point here guys(but don't tell him or we will never here the end of it)
rock on

1- well as a service for our guild...i copy all of the events posted under "the saga" to our events calendar. This would be done regardless if the official calendar was posted to or not.
2- Also many of the event go-ers from windermeer already have our calendar bookmarked as a source for finding out what events are when in calendar form.
3- There's hardly any postings of events to the official calendar.
I mean if you guys post to the official calendar, more power to ya :0). Alot of people have bookmarked our calendar as it was set up before the official ryzom calendar. The workload for me is still the same as I will still be copying events over from 'the saga' listings if they aren't already posted to our calendar. I'm just letting you all know there is a place you can post to that people ACTUALLY view and have bookmarked. :0D
2- Also many of the event go-ers from windermeer already have our calendar bookmarked as a source for finding out what events are when in calendar form.
3- There's hardly any postings of events to the official calendar.
I mean if you guys post to the official calendar, more power to ya :0). Alot of people have bookmarked our calendar as it was set up before the official ryzom calendar. The workload for me is still the same as I will still be copying events over from 'the saga' listings if they aren't already posted to our calendar. I'm just letting you all know there is a place you can post to that people ACTUALLY view and have bookmarked. :0D
I hope people use the official one more, being at the bottom of the forums is oh-so convenient 

hehe, yes...yes it is. It's also half implimented, namd "Default Calendar".
but looking forward to the day that their calendar is more prominent and up to date! i'll redirect our calendar to theirs
but looking forward to the day that their calendar is more prominent and up to date! i'll redirect our calendar to theirs