Hail my fellow homins! Ever since the storm of destruction was unleashed upon us by the kitins, our family has sought a haven from the tempest that has befallen us. Many of us have found a fellowship...a family...within the community known as Stormhaven. Our bond and oath to our clan is strong; we invite you to send a message to our leader
mailto:?subject=&body= or contact us at
mailto:?subject=&body= if you are interested in a mature group to explore this world we find ourselves in.
Many of us have been born into the Tryker race and we will continue to explore and seek out adventures within our lakelands; however, for those who enjoy seeking new experiences within a company of soul-mates, no race or creed is excluded. We look forward to your correspondence!
-Javance- XO of Stormhaven (
mailto:?subject=&body= )
Ryle (
mailto:?subject=&body= ) Master Councilman of Stormhaven, Guild Master