Mission bug - giving items window
Mission bug - giving items window
When you take out a mission where you need to get something for someone, ie yubo hairs for the corporals, if you close the little window for 'give item' you may find that you cannot get it to open again. Right clicking on the npc and selecting 'give item' does not open the window. Relogging fixes it.
Re: Mission bug - giving items window
If you choose multiple "deliver" missions you get more then one letter or order or whatever, then you have to give them all to the same person then go back and get the mission again. They should fix so you can split piles of one item.
Re: Mission bug - giving items window
And, missions where you are supposed to get something from monsters and give it to the mission-giver, how do you give them the meat or whatever it is?
Sorry for not editing my old post
Sorry for not editing my old post

Re: Mission bug - giving items window
Right click on npc mission giver, you should see text Give x items, where X is a number usually 1 or 2, if you have to get 2 types of skulls or bone it is 2 and if just bone or skull or meat.. it'll be Give 1 item.. press J to open journal, select the mission to complete and enter the items required, cannot split stacks. When you've entered the items to give, you should see the give button highlighted, if it is not and you are sure you have completed all the mission steps, check to see if there is another mission which has same number of items to give. Example, You have 2 missions one is Get Yubo Skull and Izam Skull the other is Get Izam Meat and Yubo Meat, if you select the meat and put it in and GIVE isnt highlighted, then remove them, click them and select empty box or alternate item, and put the skulls in, you will then see GIVE highlighted, clik it to complete mission.soulbear wrote:And, missions where you are supposed to get something from monsters and give it to the mission-giver, how do you give them the meat or whatever it is?
Sorry for not editing my old post![]()
This whole aspect of the give item missions needs to be redone as it isnt very good, especially we need to be able to drag and stack and split items.