Suggestions for ranged fighting

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Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Post by boinged »

It seems like the stack issue could be fixed with the current work in progress on larger stacks. Would be good if all the ammo you held was in one stack for that type and each weapon had an ammo capacity.

As I've mentioned before, types of ammo for bleeding, slow and ignore armour would be great. I really like the ideas about new craft bricks for range.

A couple of new stanzas would be nice - like a reload one plus the others mentioned.

Range needs to be different from melee and magic. Also, I think that there is a vicious circle with people not crafting range equipment, so people don't use it, so noone bothers to level crafting in it. This isn't helped by the deficiencies range has.

One of my plans was to get rich selling bullets - other equipment wears out or you outlevel it but nothing is ever going to be in demand as much as ammo.
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Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Post by genbu »

Dual Pistols would be nice...
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