Well, they might offer some nice and rare "unique" looted items or Q250 items, especially amps.micrix wrote: In any case it takes two. An headhunter and one who is considering changing guild. I can not belief that anyone can be pushed to change guild. With what ? Dappers ?. Harassment ?
Guild Recruitment
Re: Guild Recruitment
Mikos, Abyss Eye
Re: Guild Recruitment
Naaa, if a guildy leaves for some amps then let him go. Such offer might only be the top of a total different story...mmatto wrote:Well, they might offer some nice and rare "unique" looted items or Q250 items, especially amps.
One only leaves a guild cause he misses something and thinks he will get it with another guild. Some newer players join a guild early, but them meet other peoples and find it better there. Thats ok, isnt it ? Atys is a living planet and so are the social contacts.
Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Re: Guild Recruitment
I left one guild for another, so here are my 2 cents.
Asking someone who is guilded to switch guild is wrong and low. Even if you put that in "indirect way". If you ask someone to do that, that will only bring bad reputation about you and your guild. Specialy if that person don't like your request and tell that to his/her current guilmates. Things will go wrong way for sure. If someone is about to leave guild, he needs to approch another one, whatever his/her reason for leaving is (fight with someone or not enough fun like in my case or something else). If someone leave for q250 amp, tribe boss armor or something like that, you don't need that guy anyway.
Like grimjim said, switching guild is hard. Trust me. I was thinking for 3 weeks before i did it. Almost left the game. Day i left i did'nt play. Bad feeling about myself and what will old guildmates think about me. Thank god, i'm still good with all those people, my new and old guild are allied, and we have some fun together. One time is enough for me. Really don't understand people who have changed guild several times.
Asking someone who is guilded to switch guild is wrong and low. Even if you put that in "indirect way". If you ask someone to do that, that will only bring bad reputation about you and your guild. Specialy if that person don't like your request and tell that to his/her current guilmates. Things will go wrong way for sure. If someone is about to leave guild, he needs to approch another one, whatever his/her reason for leaving is (fight with someone or not enough fun like in my case or something else). If someone leave for q250 amp, tribe boss armor or something like that, you don't need that guy anyway.
Like grimjim said, switching guild is hard. Trust me. I was thinking for 3 weeks before i did it. Almost left the game. Day i left i did'nt play. Bad feeling about myself and what will old guildmates think about me. Thank god, i'm still good with all those people, my new and old guild are allied, and we have some fun together. One time is enough for me. Really don't understand people who have changed guild several times.
Only the righteous prevail!
Sasa/Sasha - Elder of Atys - Karavan Champion
"The New Empire"
Sasa/Sasha - Elder of Atys - Karavan Champion
"The New Empire"
Re: Guild Recruitment
This makes me think, considering the fact of a guilded player going to an other guild. The intention should be with the player in question, not with the guild. If a player doesn't feel at home in his current guild, he or she will undertake steps themselves. Is it necessary for other guilds to approach them? The "If the person is happy in their original guild....well they wont consider the offer, will they?" can be turned around into an argument like "If the person is unhappy in their original guild... wouldn't they be looking around for themselves and checking out the other guilds?".
Is it necessary for guilds in general to approach players (atm) ?
We don't have that many new people coming in, make a new character and check it out yourself, it's not like there are 25+ people running around noob isle. The moment these new players come on the mainland, they'll probably get 10 guilds approaching them before they even know how to find their place in this whole community...
Is it necessary for guilds in general to approach players (atm) ?
We don't have that many new people coming in, make a new character and check it out yourself, it's not like there are 25+ people running around noob isle. The moment these new players come on the mainland, they'll probably get 10 guilds approaching them before they even know how to find their place in this whole community...
Re: Guild Recruitment
My point.vaynen wrote:This makes me think, considering the fact of a guilded player going to an other guild. The intention should be with the player in question, not with the guild. If a player doesn't feel at home in his current guild, he or she will undertake steps themselves. Is it necessary for other guilds to approach them? The "If the person is happy in their original guild....well they wont consider the offer, will they?" can be turned around into an argument like "If the person is unhappy in their original guild... wouldn't they be looking around for themselves and checking out the other guilds?".
Yes, it is. Many ppl get tired of the game, waiting for outpost, bug fixes and stuff. They leave. If you don't get more ppl in guild, and ppl leave your guild, you have problem in long run.vaynen wrote:Is it necessary for guilds in general to approach players (atm) ?
We don't have that many new people coming in, make a new character and check it out yourself, it's not like there are 25+ people running around noob isle. The moment these new players come on the mainland, they'll probably get 10 guilds approaching them before they even know how to find their place in this whole community...
Recruiting in newbie island does'nt work. Ppl like to see mainland first, before doing anything. If it works you need to spend lots of time there, and nobody likes it.
New ppl ingame like to join big guilds when they can get more information and good leveling. They remember names of guild that they see all around. Standing with lot of guildmates at key points (like stable, spawns...) may help, if you have so much time to do that. I don't belive that there are enough new players for that approach. You can see that some zorai/fyros guilds recruit Matis or Tryker people. Reason is that those regions are more popular for new players. Only way to get new "blood".
You can try to give officer or even HO title to new player who is 2-3 weeks in your guild. He/she will play a lot with other new unguilded players. He/she can get them in. But, that person needs to be d* good at that.
Only the righteous prevail!
Sasa/Sasha - Elder of Atys - Karavan Champion
"The New Empire"
Sasa/Sasha - Elder of Atys - Karavan Champion
"The New Empire"
Re: Guild Recruitment
I've read all the posts here, and I'm surprised you that you are missing something. LOL. I should place an escuse of my bad english in my signature. Anyway...
Think about a newbie player. Never touched the game. He managesd somehow to reach level 20. Leaves the n00b island for mainland. Get killed by some strong mob, asks for help in region chat, got rezzed by some officier from a guild. Of course, folowing "recruting policy" present in all guilds, that officier starts to push ans push and push about recruting. Some armor, some gear, some excelent amps, some healings on igara hill... and the n00b is yours. Not that hard.
But after a couple of days no one will help that n00b. He's already a regullar, isn't it? He can take care of himself. High level players who helped him in the past, are now busy getting other n00bs in guild. He starts to feel alone in an 100 members guild. He starts hanging around other guilds, and eventually "quit guild". Or even worst, he realizes that the guild internal policy does not fit with him. He does not like to charge ppl for rez (
@ Jy), he does not like to charge ppl for escort, he does not like g-m8s speaking in german in guild chat as long the main language is english, he does not like the guild. But what choice he had? He joined too fast, scammed by an unscupulous officier, now he HAVE to hang out with the guild.
Is not my case, I'm happy with my guild. I would not trust someone who change the guild either. But what about this kind of guy?
Think about a newbie player. Never touched the game. He managesd somehow to reach level 20. Leaves the n00b island for mainland. Get killed by some strong mob, asks for help in region chat, got rezzed by some officier from a guild. Of course, folowing "recruting policy" present in all guilds, that officier starts to push ans push and push about recruting. Some armor, some gear, some excelent amps, some healings on igara hill... and the n00b is yours. Not that hard.
But after a couple of days no one will help that n00b. He's already a regullar, isn't it? He can take care of himself. High level players who helped him in the past, are now busy getting other n00bs in guild. He starts to feel alone in an 100 members guild. He starts hanging around other guilds, and eventually "quit guild". Or even worst, he realizes that the guild internal policy does not fit with him. He does not like to charge ppl for rez (

Is not my case, I'm happy with my guild. I would not trust someone who change the guild either. But what about this kind of guy?
That which does not kill me makes me stronger.
(F. Nietzche)
(F. Nietzche)
Re: Guild Recruitment
I think most individuals can make the decisions for themselves. If someone is hassling you to join a guild Im sure that person will tell them to bu**er off and possibly report them.
If you belong to a guild then IMHO I dont think other guilds should approach you, whats the point? Also, genrally causes aggro!
As far as recruiting goes, it does seem a bit OTT atm, ie the forming of academies etc, I love the idea as much as a loath it!
I just wonder if the bigger guilds created these academies as to recruit better as noobs IMO wouldn't want to join a huge guild!
Perhaps there should be an in game service re: guilds, an NPC telling size, fame, history etc, then each 'noob' can look what suits them best, instead of being pounched on by an officer!! An quiet often the first officer to a non guild person will recruit them!
Could debate this topic for ages, with no real solution!
IMO just leave it the way it is, players and guilds will find their own natural way through atys!
LAst couple weeks I have made visits to pyr to try and found the odd person to recruit but all are already in guilds, mainly 'academieis'! Going back a couple of months it wasn't like this at all!
If you belong to a guild then IMHO I dont think other guilds should approach you, whats the point? Also, genrally causes aggro!
As far as recruiting goes, it does seem a bit OTT atm, ie the forming of academies etc, I love the idea as much as a loath it!
I just wonder if the bigger guilds created these academies as to recruit better as noobs IMO wouldn't want to join a huge guild!
Perhaps there should be an in game service re: guilds, an NPC telling size, fame, history etc, then each 'noob' can look what suits them best, instead of being pounched on by an officer!! An quiet often the first officer to a non guild person will recruit them!
Could debate this topic for ages, with no real solution!
IMO just leave it the way it is, players and guilds will find their own natural way through atys!
LAst couple weeks I have made visits to pyr to try and found the odd person to recruit but all are already in guilds, mainly 'academieis'! Going back a couple of months it wasn't like this at all!
Re: Guild Recruitment
As a newbie to this game, but long time mmog player, I thought I'd give my 2 dappers on the subject.
First of all my background so you know where I'm coming from. I'm 25 years old and have been playing online games with guilds/clans/whatever for 8 of those. During that time I've only had four games I've been seriously involved in, playing for more than a few months. Three of them I played for over two years, so when I find a game I really like, I stick to it.
In those three games I was in one or two guilds each the time I played. The guilds all fluctuated wildly in members during the time I played, ranging from about 5-6 members to over 60 in the most extreme case (fluctuation-wise). Members left other guilds for us, and vice versa. We had periods of agressive recruiting, both from other guilds and newbies; and got members 'stolen' in return now and then.
To me this is just the ebb and flow of a guilds life. It is always up to the players themselves if they want to join or leave a guild. If they are happy in the guild they will just be annoyed if another guild comes after them with bribes or whatever to join them instead. If they are unhappy they would have left anyway in time, and up to the point they gather the courage to quit by themselves they will most likely not enjoy the game much. In this case the recruiting attempt on an already guilded player is a good thing. Everyone is allowed to leave a guild if they want to, and there's nothing wrong with them getting help, right?
I voted for "All is fair..." since if a guild gets too aggressive in their recruiting attempts they will quickly get a bad reputation in the community. In most cases this will lead to that guild getting a very hard time finding new members, and at least some of their own members leaving. Online game communities are generally really good at this kind of self-regulation.
Now for a slightly off-topic, but related subject.
I can't even remember how many games I've tried out for a week or two to find the next 'big game' for me and possibly a few friends who's played with me in the past. And I've come in contact with the 'zergling' recruiting countless times.
As a newbie in any mmog I count on being offered to join a guild for the first time within two-three days. It hasn't failed yet, not in this game either. Sometimes this comes from a fellow newbie in the game with grand plans or a small budding guild of new-ish players, but mostly it's a big guild who wants to get even bigger.
Personally I find it a bit annoying to be approached this way before I've even decided if my first impression of the game is favourable enough for me to take the time to learn it. A guild to me is a big commitment, even if I wouldn't hesitate long before leaving a guild I didn't like. But having to deal with that kind of thing before I even know if I like the game itself or not would definately be a big minus when the trial is over and it's time to decide if I want to keep playing.
Fortunately I doubt many of the guilds who are recruiting among the less then a week old players will treat those players bad or ignore them once they're settled in the guild. But there's always some bad seeds, and any new player who has the misfortune of joining such a guild in their first few days in the game will most likely not play it for very long. Without happy new players a game will die a slow painful death as the established players start to leave for other things.
So to any guild recruiting new players: Please take good care of them.
My character is a Matis named Idgar, currently on his way to become a knight. Feel free to chat with me ingame if you like, I enjoy a good chat if I'm not too busy. But no guild invites yet, please. If I'm still around next weekend (not the coming one) however, it means I'm subscribing and should be considered fair game.
((Wow, I just can't stop typing sometimes. I didn't mean to write this much.
First of all my background so you know where I'm coming from. I'm 25 years old and have been playing online games with guilds/clans/whatever for 8 of those. During that time I've only had four games I've been seriously involved in, playing for more than a few months. Three of them I played for over two years, so when I find a game I really like, I stick to it.
In those three games I was in one or two guilds each the time I played. The guilds all fluctuated wildly in members during the time I played, ranging from about 5-6 members to over 60 in the most extreme case (fluctuation-wise). Members left other guilds for us, and vice versa. We had periods of agressive recruiting, both from other guilds and newbies; and got members 'stolen' in return now and then.
To me this is just the ebb and flow of a guilds life. It is always up to the players themselves if they want to join or leave a guild. If they are happy in the guild they will just be annoyed if another guild comes after them with bribes or whatever to join them instead. If they are unhappy they would have left anyway in time, and up to the point they gather the courage to quit by themselves they will most likely not enjoy the game much. In this case the recruiting attempt on an already guilded player is a good thing. Everyone is allowed to leave a guild if they want to, and there's nothing wrong with them getting help, right?
I voted for "All is fair..." since if a guild gets too aggressive in their recruiting attempts they will quickly get a bad reputation in the community. In most cases this will lead to that guild getting a very hard time finding new members, and at least some of their own members leaving. Online game communities are generally really good at this kind of self-regulation.

Now for a slightly off-topic, but related subject.
I can't even remember how many games I've tried out for a week or two to find the next 'big game' for me and possibly a few friends who's played with me in the past. And I've come in contact with the 'zergling' recruiting countless times.
As a newbie in any mmog I count on being offered to join a guild for the first time within two-three days. It hasn't failed yet, not in this game either. Sometimes this comes from a fellow newbie in the game with grand plans or a small budding guild of new-ish players, but mostly it's a big guild who wants to get even bigger.
Personally I find it a bit annoying to be approached this way before I've even decided if my first impression of the game is favourable enough for me to take the time to learn it. A guild to me is a big commitment, even if I wouldn't hesitate long before leaving a guild I didn't like. But having to deal with that kind of thing before I even know if I like the game itself or not would definately be a big minus when the trial is over and it's time to decide if I want to keep playing.
Fortunately I doubt many of the guilds who are recruiting among the less then a week old players will treat those players bad or ignore them once they're settled in the guild. But there's always some bad seeds, and any new player who has the misfortune of joining such a guild in their first few days in the game will most likely not play it for very long. Without happy new players a game will die a slow painful death as the established players start to leave for other things.
So to any guild recruiting new players: Please take good care of them.

My character is a Matis named Idgar, currently on his way to become a knight. Feel free to chat with me ingame if you like, I enjoy a good chat if I'm not too busy. But no guild invites yet, please. If I'm still around next weekend (not the coming one) however, it means I'm subscribing and should be considered fair game.

((Wow, I just can't stop typing sometimes. I didn't mean to write this much.

Last edited by idgar on Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: spelling etc.
Reason: spelling etc.
Re: Guild Recruitment
Would have to agree mostly with lien's comments on a friendly or aggressive approach.. I think that is unrealistic to expect ppl never to ask a player in another guild to join theirs, especially if they are friends ingame.
Trying to lure ppl away or hassling them repeadly is very wrong imo, but again its not going to stop so the best way to deal with it is within the context of the game.. consider them an agressive guild and take whatever action you feel is appropriate.
Ultimately being in a guild has nothing to do with money, or items, or power. It's about hanging out with a group of ppl you really enjoy hanging out with. So if ppl are poached away then the chances are they wernt in the right place anyway
*a slightly off-topic thought on new players joining guilds..*
I would love to see a level restriction inplace, so that a player has to reach lv30 in a combat or social tree before being able to join a guild. When i started playing I made some friends on the noob island, and we came across together and met one or 2 others of a similar very low level. We made our levels the hard way, always teamed together and died together. I think a month in we were fighting the mean and hard kips in maiden grove
A lot of ppl come across at level 10, they see these god like players wandering around with shiny armor and glowing swords and within 30mins join up with a guild, get showered with high level jewels and are dragged up their first 80 levels in a week or 2.. The point after all that rambling (shouldn't smoke on a week nite
) is that its easy to miss a lot of the fun if you join a group of players who are much higher level than you, and with the present system guild's have a responsibiliy to ensure the new player is alowed to grow a little rather than be reborn.
Trying to lure ppl away or hassling them repeadly is very wrong imo, but again its not going to stop so the best way to deal with it is within the context of the game.. consider them an agressive guild and take whatever action you feel is appropriate.
Ultimately being in a guild has nothing to do with money, or items, or power. It's about hanging out with a group of ppl you really enjoy hanging out with. So if ppl are poached away then the chances are they wernt in the right place anyway

*a slightly off-topic thought on new players joining guilds..*
I would love to see a level restriction inplace, so that a player has to reach lv30 in a combat or social tree before being able to join a guild. When i started playing I made some friends on the noob island, and we came across together and met one or 2 others of a similar very low level. We made our levels the hard way, always teamed together and died together. I think a month in we were fighting the mean and hard kips in maiden grove

A lot of ppl come across at level 10, they see these god like players wandering around with shiny armor and glowing swords and within 30mins join up with a guild, get showered with high level jewels and are dragged up their first 80 levels in a week or 2.. The point after all that rambling (shouldn't smoke on a week nite

rushin ~ asleep