whats with dodging and parrying?

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whats with dodging and parrying?

Post by overide1 »

ok, whats the difference between these two options? i have tried both but haven't notticed anything.
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Re: whats with dodging and parrying?

Post by phoenyx »

overide1 wrote:ok, whats the difference between these two options? i have tried both but haven't notticed anything.
I believe that dodge is based upon your armor modifiers (regarding dodge), while parry is based solely on your weapon modifiers (regarding parry). I'm a little fuzzy here so someone else can elaborate. Since I make really good pikes with very high parry modifiers, I always use parry and I parry a LOT.
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Re: whats with dodging and parrying?

Post by kierstad »

phoenyx wrote:I believe that dodge is based upon your armor modifiers (regarding dodge), while parry is based solely on your weapon modifiers (regarding parry). I'm a little fuzzy here so someone else can elaborate. Since I make really good pikes with very high parry modifiers, I always use parry and I parry a LOT.
That seems about right. The one thing I'm still trying to figure out is if it's better to have a lower adversary dodge modifier in mats for armor, or if it's still better to have a full bar. I'm hoping that it's logical and means the fuller the bar
for that stat on the material, the less chance they'll have of parrying. But I'm
not sure yet :P
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Re: whats with dodging and parrying?

Post by smirch »

The higher up you get the more evident dodging and parrying becomes. Before I got my attack after dodge/parry bricks I never realized how much either one of these happened.
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Re: whats with dodging and parrying?

Post by ente33 »

Hmm...does that mean that even if you had a high parry rating on your armor, that it would not actually improve one's ability to parry? Though that makes sense, the fact that there are stats for it make it misleading. I mean, if a Fiber, when used as a unit of Clothes, has a Parry Modifier bar, but never actually modifies it in any item in which Clothes are needed, then why have the stat bar at all? (See Jewel/Magic Focus mats for the most distinct example that the stat lists can be radically different, depending on use).
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Re: whats with dodging and parrying?

Post by kierstad »

ente33 wrote:Hmm...does that mean that even if you had a high parry rating on your armor, that it would not actually improve one's ability to parry? Though that makes sense, the fact that there are stats for it make it misleading. I mean, if a Fiber, when used as a unit of Clothes, has a Parry Modifier bar, but never actually modifies it in any item in which Clothes are needed, then why have the stat bar at all? (See Jewel/Magic Focus mats for the most distinct example that the stat lists can be radically different, depending on use).
It affects your adversary's parry percentage, not yours.
If you look at a material that is used for armor crafting, and look down at the stats, it will say Adversary Parry Percentage Modifier or somesuch. In some way it affects your target/combat target's chance to parry. I know I see the stat on Armor Shell materials consistently, but I just haven't figured out how exactly it affects it.
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