>Cliffing or Terrain Exploitation in general is not cheating...
>it might be unsportsmanlike towards the mobs...but it isnt cheating...
You're quite right, it isn't cheating in and of itself.
Its only cheating when you get unearned experience points.
>Throughout history man has tried to take advantage of his surroundings to >hunt and battle...just browse ur history book for countless gorilla-tactic >battles and terrain exploitations...whenever the few beat the many
Guerilla, sorry, hate to correct people but that's as jarring to me as the rouge/rogue confusion.
Fighting in such a way in order to beat an enemy, or gather materials, or take on a difficult boss. This I don't object to, its the gaining XP for it that I can't abide. That is cheating and, yet another advantage for mages that they don't need.
>So what if ppl do cliffing? Does it affect anyone else?Let them grind and have >fun as they see fit...i've done it and most of the ''righteous'' ppl who >condemn it have cliffed in the past [exceptions might apply]
Yes, it affects everyone else as undeserving people who exploit weaknesses in the programming gain uber levels. This will become even more of a problem as we go into PvP and GvG. Why? Because who takes advantage of exploits? The unscrupulous, the powergamers and the a**hats. The very people who will become griefers and gankers.
>u shouldn't critisice someone for trying to take advantage of the tools given >to him..
>in this case all we have is our amps,guns,blade and armour and the world we >live in...the cliffs,the lakes [perhaps ppl should sent tickets for someone who >runs in the water to avoid gettin killed
You don't get XP if you run to the water, re-emerge and then kill the mob.
That one's already fixed, so no need to ticket it.
Also some cliffs have also been fixed, but not all. No need to ticket them.
>in two words..if the devs dont want ppl to cliff..they need to make it so u >can't....
They have in some areas and we were told _before_ they fixed the initial areas and the water not to do it as it was an exploit and breach of our agreement to play the game.
>Sending tickets to get ppl kicked cause they found a spot to safely grind >
says more about the ticket sender [get a life,no really.. go out there >and get one
] than the guy cliffing [who is most probably havin more fun >than the ticket sender]
Doubtful, no risk, no excitement, just pressing key until your number goes up. It says that one person has ethics and a sense of honour and fair play, that the other doesn't.
>Sending tickets to rectify the problem [if the
devs see it as a >problem] is always good...but sneatchin isn't...most tickets on cliffing have >probably been made against ppl that the ticket sender didnt like....
Perhaps they don't like them because they're cheating...
>i've played numerous P&P RPG's for years...[1player PC games are not TRUE >rpgs...MMORPGs are getting close but still have a long way to go]
>and based on that experience...if i can do something then i have the right to >do it and will do it whenever i see fit..
Take the D&D experience then. Where's the fun, or point, in getting XP for slitting the throats of bound and tied goblins. Any DM worth his salt will not give you any XP for killing things in that instance as you've taken no risk and not learned anything.
The newer version of D&D is more flexible in that regard in that encounters are given a challenge rating and any way you overcome the challenge can result in XP, still, you have to show intelligence and capability in order to get the XP. EG - in the case of aforementioned goblins if you snuck a sleeping potion into their food and then went past them you might still get the XP.
Sitting on a cliff is not cunning, or daring. If we had deformable terrian and you did something like the old Indians did, chasing animals off a cliff to kill them, then maybe you'd deserve the XP but gathering data on and assessing such tactics remotely is hellishly difficult.
Anyway, its hopelessly old skool to give XP for killing things in the first place, what is this, the 80's?