i think the easist way to avoid burn out in Ryzom is simple,
unlike most games you can multi-skill, i recently talked my best friend into harvesting, which he'd never really liked the idea of much. But now we're totlely addicted to it
where before we found outselfs grining out a few lvls of melee as often as possible, i think the trick is just to know when you find yourself lulling a bit, and do something about it, start a new skill, lvl a different skill.
Its never about who is the strongist or the fastist to get to the lvl its about spending time with all your friends and having a laugh like it should be
For Harvesting and crafting just try changeing the mp3's you normally listen to (i know it sounds simply but it really works)
For fighting and casting go some place new and group with new people and team new people into the group you normaly team with, Talk to other guilds. Get to know people out of your normal spectrum. Group with old friends more often and make them friends not just people you havent spoken to in a while.
Remeber its a game, if you get mad or upset dont take it out on each other log out, play cards or go get a cup of coffee or tea (or hot chocolate for kibs
and other ppl who dont drink coffee and tea) calm down, chill out and log back in
Harsh words from you can spoil the game for someone else, and at the end of the day we all have some thing in common, we all love the game and we wanna have fun playing it
anyway just a few thought on how i avoid burn out