Some of us TRY to be completely constructive by testing on the ATS. I try to provide on the ATS either screenshots (for some reason my ATS screenie button works, but on live F10 records as F7...same system, same hard drive just different partition to avoid system confusion...I did the same thing on EQ test versus live).
If they ask us to test certain things...I try to. Not EASY at ALL when ATS is as barren as if they had ONE server per player, I have run rather nice friendly Brit that we keep each other company rather well, even if we can't find each other.
Basically...if it takes a group to do it (travel, certain mobs, most magic/melee leveling post 150 creation level) then it isn't practical if even possible.
I TRY to be constructive whenever possible, but true enough, some subjects it is either hard...or constructivity isn't possible. Like the low server population. And it is hard to invite online friends when most of mine are either in Iraq/Afghanistan on deployment/tour of duty (Way to GO guys and gals!) or currently not able to play games. Plus even if they were playing, I am not sure that they would deal any better with issues I have with game than I do. Birds of a feather flock together and all that. Most of my friends are "crafter/explorer" types.
I do admit, I am looking for a game that I am NOT sure is even possible...given the current state of the art. Believe it or not, my hubby and I discussed the "perfect game" on the LONG drive to Rockwall,Tx from Arlington, Tx.
As he put it:
The perfect game would have complete interactivity...every NPC would have a definate purpose, that would change as time passed. The game mechanics would be TOTALLY transparent, no dinging, no grinding, you would go about enjoying the game and things would get easier as you went along, until you got bored with it, then you would move on to another task.
Crafting patterns would change over time. (My addition, he used a few Horizon's examples, so here is a Ryzomian equivilent: Danu's works would be different entirely than anyone else of his race, maybe at first the difference would be slight, but as his skills progressed...he would add a little here and take a little there, until eventually Danu would have HIS OWN specific pattern. He would have chosen ALL of his changes to his pattern over time.) And any "master" craftsman would be able to teach HIS pattern to other players (any cash exchange would be up to the players). It would be possible in the perfect game to make UP a pattern/weapon type/spell after reaching Mastercrafter statis, there would of course be a HUGE chance of failing, possibly DYING to this failure if it is a weapon type (the first guy that made a gun HAD to be bold).
The world would be HUGE and amazingingly/breath takingly beautiful, travel would be easy, mobs would be plentiful, but not TOO plentiful nor agro ranges such that travel would become a tedious chore. Crafting would be interesting and FUN. Grouping rewards would be more than enough to motivate you to group from creation to max levels. You would be able to level a group, gain abilities as a group with that group, save groups you have been in before, send messages to friends, guild mates, and group mates. Emote animations would make the game seem ALMOST like life and not cause ANY lag. You would be able to make chat channels and have a racial, world, region and local chat as well as guild, tells and group chats. ANY player could make a chat channel and control who could join the channel or leave it open to all.
Events would be interesting, some would change the game intensely, and NONE would cause the least little bit of lag, even with 250 other players slashing, nuking or just standing around. Players could create a server event, with GM/dev approval of course if it changed the world in any way. Role playing would be enjoyable and the world would encourage such activities. Players would contribute to the storyline IN game via books, newspapers, libraries, spell books, history books, and a local town crier.
The game would be in stores, available as a download, be affordable, be WELL advertised, loading times would be unnoticable (in micro seconds ish), servers would be numberous and world wide.
Yes we both know that this game is NOT possible with current network/internet technology (Although fiber to premise speeds are high, they aren't THAT high), machines aren't THAT fast...yet, and coding languages DO have limits. BUT we were enjoying the scenery and talking dreams...
I think those that LIKE the game need to understand, my NOT liking everything in the it is RIGHT NOW...does not, or should not threaten your enjoyment. More powa to ya mate! Enjoy away! Have enough fun for ya self and two other players!
Don't think that you have to "fix" us "naysayers". I am very likely NOT going to "convert" you to my thinking, that is NOT why I write, and you are NOT going to "convert" me to your thinking. Thank GOD on both of those! I am a unique person...and so are YOU!
And as this poster says VVV You don't HAVE to read our posts. In your forum preferrences (See the bottom of the pageVVV) you can turn OFF my posts, I won't get mad...honest (Ignore list rocks BAY BAY!)
sankari wrote:This is what really annoys me. Why is it, we are not allowed to complain / whine or anything else? Why is it, we have to comform to the "Everything is wonderful, this is the bestest game evar, and they are doing a awesome job, and the Devs have not put a foot wrong since they were born into this planet."
A couple of points on these awful, terrible whine posts.
1) You really do not have to read these posts. On average the post title tells you what's in store when you click on the link. It's not rocket science, you can choose not to read said threads.
2) You certainly do not have to waste your time in replying to these awful, disgusting threads and people, you could simply choose not to, and move on to Carebear land (read: happy threads).
3) If everyone posted how wonderful the game was in it's current state, and that there was plenty in this game to see and do which would keep even the top most players happy for years to come. Then why should the devs push out new content or tools to allow the players to create their own content (read: RP'ing)? After all, every single player is 100% happy with the game and their sure to tell all their friends how this is the 2nd coming of christ in regards to MMORPG's - so the extra subs should be flying in. (there is sarcasm in that paragraph btw).
4) As "paying" customers, we have the same level of rights on these forums as you. Your quite entitled to post your posts about this game being 100% perfect, just as anyone else is quite within their rights to post any complaints.
5) And finally, the original submitter of this thread has a valid point (to him/her and to others who play this game), and that is, is that the game appears empty. Not all the time, no, but enough of the time to warrant a post or thread here and there to complain / ask / or mention it.
Sometimes you can't be constructive regarding certain issues. How do you be constructive regarding what appears to be lack of players on the server? Yes, you could simply post asking if other people feel the same, or ask what the server population is, but sometimes you feel so frustrated by it, that you simply want to get it off your chest (see points 1 and 2 above should this occur).
I'm sorry that this post comes across somewhat aggressive, but to sit there and have a go at people who have the same rights as you do, for simply having a different point of view than you is wrong. If you don't like the posts in a thread you don't have to read them, and you certainly do not have to reply - it is your right to do so however.
Oh and whining about whiners - can you sense the irony