madnak wrote:Tracking isn't supposed to have a 100% success rate.
Please refer me to a post where this has been confirmed.
madnak wrote:You said you found other mats - how did you find other mats if you used the same prospecting specs as tracking specs? If the tracking and prospect actions are the same, then the tracking action will locate any mats the prospect action will locate
That's one part of the bug. I can have
prospecting find mats that
deposit tracking doesn't. Repeated tracks will not show mats in a region - even switching from major to minor node and 'only' to 'up to' stanzas - where a single prospect will find them specifically.
madnak wrote:Finally, have you tried my experiment? It sounds like if you don't find the source within 5m you give up... thus the "bug." Until someone searches the entire circle with 40m radius
In spending the time to level every single harvest line over 100 I've mapped regions where almost no one harvests. In doing so I'd get a deposit track confirm, find nothing nearby, then get frustrated and blow my entire focus line on doing wide angle 40m or 60m searches in the hope that I can find another minor node. Initially, I did this by standing right over the nominal node deposit tracking was supposed to find and then turning around in circles, hoping that if I didn't find the specific node indicated by tracking I'd find another one, as there are almost always a couple of minor choice nodes near each other (not the case with minor fine/basic nodes). Then I'd run around and do random 40m or 60m prospects to see if I could find anything worth harvesting.
Guess what? Sometimes I've found nothing. Hence, your version of the 'bug' is confirmed. And oh by the way, this is not seasonal.
But wait...there's still more to this. Sometimes, I can get the single most specific request in deposit tracking - choice oath bark for instance, since yes, with all the harvest points I have I have taken pretty much every stanza line available (except for the truly useless craft mats ones) and still have almost 1k points left - and have deposit tracking claim the mats are within 1m every single time...when they clearly aren't. That's another aspect to the bug, and can often be cured by logging.
madnak wrote:If you find it right where the tracking action led you, then you are lucky
No, I'm getting tracking to sometimes work roughly the way a couple of GMs told me that it should.
I'm glad tracking is working for you. A lot of times it does for me. Sometimes it doesn't - I just raised 3 specific ways in which it doesn't consistently work - and if you go back a few months there is thread after thread on the subject. I'd like it to do so more consistently since I have well over a thousand sps invested in deposit tracking and related stanzas alone.