I have improved the graphics lag quite a bit, I had it on auto and switched it to open GL (which is the OPPOSITE of what is suggested for my video card, but since what they suggested and were loading was lagging to heck and back...I figured what the heck, it can't get any worse can it?)
I have been trying to get my ATS Tryker OUT of Trykerlands, I am not into pain for the sake of saying I can take it
I don't have to be the BIGGEST pain taker (I have another word, but for PG13 content...that will have to do). I have been trying, no exageration, for a MONTH to get her out. I would log on, try six or seven times, give up and log off. Repeat that for a month. I was trying, solo, the tryker to Matis run. I got as far as the FIRST outpost...twice...but on ATS the path is covered, with overlapping argo ranges, not enough room to squeeze through, from the first turn to the water just before the zoneline.
I made the change to my live client as well and tried the run on my Fyros, who is lower level, but has ALL the spawns and tickets for Fyros and Tryker, and most of the rest. I tried the run from the Matis zoneline to the exit of Lagoons of Loria. I got her to the same outpost, and using the neg minimum camera trick I scouted out the agro up ahead. I found the same thing on live as on ATS. There was not ONE inch to scoot through, and 20 seconds of invuln, plus 20 seconds of melee protection and speed up four is NOT enough to make it to the zoneline. I tried four times, I got into EYE sight of it the last time.
My point is...when you go with a group, even two others, you go where the GROUP goes, you don't wonder around. And the aim is to get the HECK OUTTA HERE. Not stop and look and take screenies. I don't need the adreniline rush, I live in Dallas. If I need that rush, I will just drive down Central expressway in rush hour. I don't want a TOUR, I want to wander around without a goal. Ya know...to Explore for the sake of looking, not for the sake of putting a feather in my cap.
What gets me is the mobs outnumber the players more than ten thousand to one. Think about it. If ten to twenty TIMES the number of players that normally play suddenly dropped into game...there would STILL be enough mobs for ALL of the groups that would form up to hunt, without pull stealing or kill stealing.
Why did they make travel so HARD? what are they hiding??!!! That their world is too small and there IS no content? I think that is what they are doing. And with NO content, the only thing left TO do is explore.