Atys Freedom Fighters
Atys Freedom Fighters
Ralthore is the new leader of AFF.
Last edited by xcomvic on Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Just doesn't seem right...
Reason: Just doesn't seem right...
In response to the ignorant players out there:
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
Sounds interesting XcomVic.
Good luck to Atys' newest guild.
Out of Cavern Explorer
Good luck to Atys' newest guild.
Out of Cavern Explorer
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
New Info Updated.
In response to the ignorant players out there:
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
In response to the ignorant players out there:
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
new info 1234657
In response to the ignorant players out there:
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
I have more heart than anyone would know I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
Xcom, your becoming an even bigger hypocrite on your way out of the SoR community than you have been all along.
After turning yourself into the community clown, it's no wonder you're not having alot of fun in the game. You even have a guild named after you, when I saw blutbad's new guild "Xcom is an idiot", I was ROFLMAO... ... e=15&pp=10
A disguised goodbye post is no different then all those you were a troll in...
Bumping this thread about an insignificant guild, losing an insignificant leader is also a cry for attention... your pattern is distinct.
To quote a former troll in these forums I will leave you with your own words...
Disciple of Jena
Matis Dual Wield Champion
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Melinoe - Atys Harvesters
Courtesy of
Main Entry: hypocrite
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: pretender
Synonyms: actor, attitudinizer, backslider, bluffer, casuist, charlatan, cheat, con man, crook, deceiver, decoy, dissembler, dissimulator, fake, faker, four-flusher, fraud, hook, humbug, imposter, impostor, informer, lip server, malingerer, masquerader, mountebank, pharisee, phony, playactor, poser, pretender, quack, sham, sharper, smoothie, sophist, stool pigeon, swindler, trickster, two-face, two-timer, whited sepulcher, wolf
After turning yourself into the community clown, it's no wonder you're not having alot of fun in the game. You even have a guild named after you, when I saw blutbad's new guild "Xcom is an idiot", I was ROFLMAO... ... e=15&pp=10
A disguised goodbye post is no different then all those you were a troll in...
Bumping this thread about an insignificant guild, losing an insignificant leader is also a cry for attention... your pattern is distinct.
To quote a former troll in these forums I will leave you with your own words...
___________________xcomvic wrote:You won't be missed at all.
Disciple of Jena
Matis Dual Wield Champion
Click here to join Melinoe
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Melinoe - Atys Harvesters
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
I'll miss him actually. He was one of the few players who actually spoke their mind, played as they wished, and didn't care what anyone thought.
Re: Atys Freedom Fighters
ditto on what vguerin said
I won't miss him myself, just one less person I have to worry about ignoring. The only person I've had on my ignore list actually.
I won't miss him myself, just one less person I have to worry about ignoring. The only person I've had on my ignore list actually.
Every body is a book of blood; Wherever we're opened, we're red.
Who knows the end? What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men.
Who knows the end? What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men.