dam23 wrote:15 mins ? why not make it an hour ?
20m sure is a safe distance to make sure nobody notices you, except if they're looking at their compass, which doesnt happen a lot when you're busy healing
Which lead me to reply that as usual, we were using guildchat instead of teamchat. Anyone *smart* enough would figure out there's a hunting party going on, when seeing 3 "ding" in a row...
"Hi, I'm a paranoid and I want everyone to know it! "
Look, you're not blaming my gf for not noticing Your Highness logging ok ?
You'd have gotten a team invite if anyone had noticed your Royal Butt, my lord...
And I'm very glad my "lame" ( o_O ? lol ) excuses drove you away, since you seem very childish here...
Sure does, you're a paranoid type, imo.
You seem to be taking this game very seriously...
As you can notice, I am not quite ready yet to let you spread fake rumours about either me, my officers, or any other member.