Ca va faire 2 jours je crois que j'ai pleins de bugs, auparavant j'avais quelques petits plantage toutes les 5h, enfin tres rarement quoi, mais la je peux meme pas me rendre sur le jeu, ou ca charge et y a une petite fenetre ki me dis ca, etant donnee que je ne comprend pas le martien pourrait on me dire qu'es ce que c'est bonne lecture
Access Violation exception generated at 0x9C5763, thread attempts to write at 0xA1302F4C.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 106 : SM: Creating string cache
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 311 : <CStringManagerClient::getString> sending 'STRING_MANAGER:STRING_RQ' message to server
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 connection.cpp 555 : impulseCallBack : received userChar
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 129 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=963) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=8/lastAck=6/nextSentPacket=10)
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 347 : String 107995 available : [&ZON&Vous êtes dans la région %s sur le continent %s.]
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 311 : <CStringManagerClient::getString> sending 'STRING_MANAGER:STRING_RQ' message to server
2005/02/11 12:39:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 311 : <CStringManagerClient::getString> sending 'STRING_MANAGER:STRING_RQ' message to server
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 84 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=339) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=259) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 2 actions (ReceivedAck=12/lastAck=10/nextSentPacket=15)
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 347 : String 118094 available : [Dune Impériale]
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 311 : <CStringManagerClient::getString> sending 'STRING_MANAGER:STRING_RQ' message to server
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 347 : String 118108 available : [Ile Fyros]
2005/02/11 12:39:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 49 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=17/lastAck=15/nextSentPacket=18)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 347 : String 118106 available : [Désert Ardent]
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 430 : DynString 2199016811 available : [&ZON&Vous êtes dans la région Dune Impériale sur le continent Désert Ardent.]
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 string_manager_client.cpp 430 : DynString 2199016813 available : [&ZON&Vous êtes dans la région Ile Fyros sur le continent Désert Ardent.]
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 49 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 76 : CLIMPD: discarded action 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (discarded) (ReceivedAck=17/lastAck=18/nextSentPacket=18)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 49 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 76 : CLIMPD: discarded action 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (discarded) (ReceivedAck=17/lastAck=18/nextSentPacket=18)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 49 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 76 : CLIMPD: discarded action 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (discarded) (ReceivedAck=17/lastAck=18/nextSentPacket=18)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 49 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 76 : CLIMPD: discarded action 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (discarded) (ReceivedAck=17/lastAck=18/nextSentPacket=18)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 49 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 76 : CLIMPD: discarded action 1 (len=323) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (discarded) (ReceivedAck=17/lastAck=18/nextSentPacket=18)
2005/02/11 12:39:54 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:55 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:55 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:55 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 2604 sound_manager.cpp 700 : Sound 'specie_but_over' not found !
2005/02/11 12:39:55 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
2005/02/11 12:39:55 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 2604 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 1952 received 9 bytes from peer (
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 172756
ShardId: 101
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 23min 8sec
LocalTime: 2005/02/11 12:39:55
ServerTick: 110664934
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :1490 (
Language: Français
PatchVersion: 00049
Client is online
Memory: 481mB/1023mB
Process Virtual Memory: 276mB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+ / x86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 0 / AuthenticAMD / 2194MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 383fbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: OpenGL / NVIDIA Corporation / GeForce FX 5900/AGP/SSE/3DNOW! / 1.5.2
3DCard: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900, version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 0
Available tracks: 32
Used tracks: 0
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 0 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 32 / 32
Average update time: 0.000007 msec
Average create time: 0.024863 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.001118%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 63
2d hw buffers: 32
Impossible de jouer :(
Re: Impossible de jouer :(
As tu essayé la verification de tes fichiers avec le bouton prevu pour cela dans la fenetre de login ?
Re: Impossible de jouer :(
oui j ai essaye, la ca m installe pleins de trucs mais le patch est vraimen tres long ca va faire 2 h pour juste 2 %
Re: Impossible de jouer :(
2h et demi qu'il me fais telecharger le nouveau patch et je ne suis qu a 9 % , alors que la derniere fois ou je l'ai telecharge, ca n'a mis que 20 minutes, es ce que c est normal ou pas du tout ?
Re: Impossible de jouer :(
je serais tenté de dire que c'est normal. Tu devais avoir pas mal de fichiers qui étaient mal fichus et qui provoquaient les plantages. La vérification a détecté ces fichiers et ils sont retéléchargés. avec un peu de chance et de patience, tu joueras sans problème demainnithaya wrote:2h et demi qu'il me fais telecharger le nouveau patch et je ne suis qu a 9 % , alors que la derniere fois ou je l'ai telecharge, ca n'a mis que 20 minutes, es ce que c est normal ou pas du tout ?