Ultimate Guild of Ryzom
Game arrived today...
Active users of beta version, created guild, which, as we hope, will exist a long time. In this case we inviting all new users to pre-register or it is possible to contact directly with me during the game
About UGoR:
Guild is neutral and will not withstand other guilds on conditions that they play in compliance with "honored rules" and don't provoke another guild with their own actions.
Main part of the guild will originally be quartered on the lands of Matis, but will hereinafter strive to expansion of the areas of its presence at the expense of High Officers, on the other lands.
At present, the active (sell off) actions of Guild are planned on the Euro English server, but as stated above, situation and focus of actions maybe change, at the expense of recruits and officers.
Every person could stand Member of the Guild outside of dependency from national, racial and religious implements ...
More you can read here -here
Recruitments/pre-registration here
Official forum - UGoR.bsoft.ru
Ultimate Guild of Ryzom
Re: Ultimate Guild of Ryzom
Best of Wishes on your guild, we sish you all the best of luck and hope that your guild does well in Ryzom.
Senior Guide
European English Community
Senior Guide
European English Community
Re: Ultimate Guild of Ryzom
hey Booster, gl w/ your guild , if you need help for missions, or crafting, feel free to ask EoA members :)
Re: Ultimate Guild of Ryzom
The guild is "officially" opened in Yrkanis.
Less power for mages!
Open your eyes, listen to your heart:
Technoevil or magic spirit of nature - here is only one choice.
Re: Ultimate Guild of Ryzom
someones been drinking again..wolfstar wrote:Best of Wishes on your guild, we sish you all the best of luck and hope that your guild does well in Ryzom.
nice guild name. btw...