Joan of Arc research:
She had visions of female saints, and Michael (arch angel of holy warriors and patron saint of her side in the civil war.) telling her to "be good and go to church" at first, then they told her to address Charles (the heir to the throne that her visions supported), and take lead of his army. The visions promised that they would lead her and the Army right and save many lives etc.
She was less than 20 years old, frequently wore mens clothing, and carried a symbolic sword many years old weapon , she carried a banner with many Catholic symbols and was for all intents and purposes a holy inspirer, giving divine guildance as her visions led her.
She stopped the practice of raping the female captives of non noble birth, and the murder of children and unarmed women (in that time...kinda redundant to say woman or child and unarmed), and instilled disipline in the ranks (going to church, not running around drunk all the time, not using curse words, kicked prostitues out of the Army camps).
She inspired the men, by riding into battle with the banner of her cause, in armor, with an ancient symbolic sword (picture riding into a kitin invasion with the dagger you started game with with only ONE hp left on it). It was said that the men found courage in the fact that she, a teen aged girl, was not harmed in these battles, they saw it as a sign from God.
As I see it, she was in many ways a priestess, a holy inspirer, a divine leader. She might have "just" been clarvoyant, claraudient(seeing and hearing the future in that order), but considering her times, she would no doubt believe that she was lead by God. She was also lead to end many years of stalemated civil war that was resulting in HUGE loss of life on both sides.
Most of the reports of violence displayed by her were "righteous indignation" such as killing prostitues that returned to her army's camps after she threw them out.
If I were in her shoes...I would do the same thing she did...try to end the war with as few deaths as possible. SO...Joan of Arc is a POOR example. She was trying to END the war(it is called the hundred years war, not sure if it truly lasted one hundred years or just seemed that long to them), not prolong it. She never gloried in the taking of human life. Multiple mentions of taking prisoners were made in the reports I read.
According to the report I read, her wearing men's clothing was her way of trying to avoid being raped. Her men's clothing had ties and laces that she knotted to make undressing her complicated. She begged to be moved to a church held prison after her capture and guarded by nuns, because she wanted to wear a dress. This was denied her, I assume out of humiliation.
Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
I am responding to this one comment to prove you don't know what you are talking about. I will not debate this subject anymore after this coment.lyrah68 wrote: Refute this ONE fact, so far there has been ONE female serial forget her name, the prostitue that killed her John's from Florida or some such).
Please visit these websites:
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma (CLARIFICATION)
I am here solely to clarify and defend the position of Ort! I will attempt to do this without naming names, and clarify as much as possible without offending anyone.
It appears that OmegaV has become engaged in a conflict that has in fact escalated to a private "Guild War." There is a rival guild that has made unrealistic demands against a few of our members regarding RP and PvP. Both RP and PvP have played out to this effect.
It does however seem that the result is an incredible amount of animosity. The result has sometimes been both verbal (RP and non-RP) and physical (PvP and Interference with activities) to the point that it is not appreciated. Even when requested to stop the parties involved do not always give up their efforts.
As a result, the leaders of OmegaV have been forced to communicate directly with the leaders of the rival guild to attempt to define some "civilized engagement rules" As of Yesterday it appears that we have reached a preliminary agreement. It is the greatest hopes of OmegaV that we may continue in a PvP and RP role with these and other guilds while maintaining the RITE for all players to enjoy the game in their own style of play.
OmegaV will not allow belligerent or ignorant actions under the guise of RP. It is our supreme hope that others will not permit this either.
~Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of the current situation. Please take this and read it and share it. There are many players who participate in-game that either do not read these forums, or do not feel that they need to post in them to oppose or defend a position. It is your job to ensure that everyone you know understands what is and what is not appropriate or allowable actions. And that they clearly know when to STOP.
It appears that OmegaV has become engaged in a conflict that has in fact escalated to a private "Guild War." There is a rival guild that has made unrealistic demands against a few of our members regarding RP and PvP. Both RP and PvP have played out to this effect.
It does however seem that the result is an incredible amount of animosity. The result has sometimes been both verbal (RP and non-RP) and physical (PvP and Interference with activities) to the point that it is not appreciated. Even when requested to stop the parties involved do not always give up their efforts.
As a result, the leaders of OmegaV have been forced to communicate directly with the leaders of the rival guild to attempt to define some "civilized engagement rules" As of Yesterday it appears that we have reached a preliminary agreement. It is the greatest hopes of OmegaV that we may continue in a PvP and RP role with these and other guilds while maintaining the RITE for all players to enjoy the game in their own style of play.
OmegaV will not allow belligerent or ignorant actions under the guise of RP. It is our supreme hope that others will not permit this either.
~Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of the current situation. Please take this and read it and share it. There are many players who participate in-game that either do not read these forums, or do not feel that they need to post in them to oppose or defend a position. It is your job to ensure that everyone you know understands what is and what is not appropriate or allowable actions. And that they clearly know when to STOP.
~ Noinossalg (Noin to most) ~ OmegaV ~ King Of Nexus ~
~ Adventurer First ~ Home: Windermeer ~ Residence: Arispotle ~
~ The Windermeer Male Fashion Show Champion ~
~ Ubi major, minor cessat - The weak capitulate before the strong ~
~ Adventurer First ~ Home: Windermeer ~ Residence: Arispotle ~
~ The Windermeer Male Fashion Show Champion ~
~ Ubi major, minor cessat - The weak capitulate before the strong ~
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
Ultima Online lost players not because of PVP, but because of Advanced Character option for $19.99; because of uber items that negated any PVP skill and now .... ninjas?
While playing UO, I lived in feluca - i..e free for all PVP zone. With an option of being red, blue or orange, i was always orange to about 90% of the shard. And that included, stat loss from factions, looted gear, non-stop purchase of regements for magery etc etc etc. - it was a blast; but there was a way to prevent ordinary PK - in a wost case, you knew that unless whoever killed you was red - he will go red if he/she continue on PK path. There is nothing that stops random PK in ryzom.
For clarification - Blue = regular player, Orange means guild/faction at war
red.... over 5 PK instances.
While playing UO, I lived in feluca - i..e free for all PVP zone. With an option of being red, blue or orange, i was always orange to about 90% of the shard. And that included, stat loss from factions, looted gear, non-stop purchase of regements for magery etc etc etc. - it was a blast; but there was a way to prevent ordinary PK - in a wost case, you knew that unless whoever killed you was red - he will go red if he/she continue on PK path. There is nothing that stops random PK in ryzom.
For clarification - Blue = regular player, Orange means guild/faction at war
red.... over 5 PK instances.
riever05 wrote:All open PvP areas will turn into unused wastelands.
Look at Ultima Online - it had open pvp and was losing so many players that they had to introduce a consensual pvp land to stay in business. The 'old' land is now almost unused, maybe 5% of the game's population go there -- even after they added faction wars and 'risk v reward'.
Only a minority in these games want open pvp and the developers have to realise that the open areas will lose 80%+ of their original population once so designated. If it is necessary to use those areas to 'progress' in the game, then that is when you lose 50%+ of your players who will refuse to adapt...
I pvp, and guildwar, and have RP'd bandits and murderers in other games, so I'm well aware of the small percentage of the game population that I get to interact with while pursuing those roles.
Feel free to argue with my opinions and statistics, then watch the actual figures in game start to mirror them as time goes on...
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
[QUOTE=lariva]There is nothing that stops random PK in ryzom.QUOTE]
In UO couldn't you kill people pretty much anywhere?
In Ryzom can you kill people in a majority of the zones? no you can't. It's a different type of restriction and at the very least should be recognized should you agree or disagree with it's implementation.
To the OP:
I understand your concern, and it's funny because DoubleTap and Zen get along og but rp factions ig, when ironically Tetra and I are the complete opposite. Ig we work well together and CP is a strong ally whom we are friendly with.
Good example is this last event where Tetra (we were grouped OMG!) snagged us the kitin leader while the rest of you jokers ran after the little mobs! and despite our ranged differences, I lauded Tetra and his capabilities as a high level gunman to snag us the source of the menace.
OG we hiss and spit etc. but I think we get along because we know that what we say is just because we have a passion for the game. So technically we're fighting for the same end through a different means, though mine is better!
A lot of the RP that is going on with factions and poop flinging involves not PvP but raiding NPC camps. In this sense, PvE players can easily join in on the RP action despite their being a PvP element. I think it's a pretty good method. Lets Say Raynes, Zen and I celebrate eradicating an NPC camp in ToT (which we three are powerful enough to do yes we are!) and you don't want to how do you stop us? you raid the icon worshippers! A bold strike oh so close to our capital! see what I mean? it's a friendly PvE way of one-upping with RP!
About your poll and what people want. Nevrax can't abolish PvP. For one thing, it's on the box. If they do this then they loose credibility in the industry. It's not so much about who would leave as it is 'who's going to believe any of the hype for the next game?'
+ it's their game. It's pretty much what they want and making concessions. This doesn't mean changing their game, their idea and someone who started Ryzom's dream, because of your money. If they did that, I'd totally loose respect for them. (not just in pvp but anything they did)
As for female serial murderers...#1 yes it's true, nothing women have done has compared to the vicious and attrocious actions of men in a mass scale. #2 How many gamers are men and how many are women? How many game developers are men and how many are women? Do you really expect a game to cater to the rational of the lowest possible factor in the gaming industry? Granted there's more women who play games now. However they are treasured and loved by men for their 'understanding' of our passion for video games. This means they are still rare. It's kinda like women who would love men who want to go shoe shopping 'for the hell of it'! ....ironic that I say this since I ended up at a drag queen afterparty on saturday night. Oh sweet Agavero, thou hath beguiled myself once again!
A beautiful woman was hitting on me there...but I was drunk and didn't trust my own judgement, which meant I didn't trust the knowledge that she was a real woman and not a guy...Not like that Redhead...Raynes did say he'd be in town...
In UO couldn't you kill people pretty much anywhere?
In Ryzom can you kill people in a majority of the zones? no you can't. It's a different type of restriction and at the very least should be recognized should you agree or disagree with it's implementation.
To the OP:
I understand your concern, and it's funny because DoubleTap and Zen get along og but rp factions ig, when ironically Tetra and I are the complete opposite. Ig we work well together and CP is a strong ally whom we are friendly with.
Good example is this last event where Tetra (we were grouped OMG!) snagged us the kitin leader while the rest of you jokers ran after the little mobs! and despite our ranged differences, I lauded Tetra and his capabilities as a high level gunman to snag us the source of the menace.
OG we hiss and spit etc. but I think we get along because we know that what we say is just because we have a passion for the game. So technically we're fighting for the same end through a different means, though mine is better!

A lot of the RP that is going on with factions and poop flinging involves not PvP but raiding NPC camps. In this sense, PvE players can easily join in on the RP action despite their being a PvP element. I think it's a pretty good method. Lets Say Raynes, Zen and I celebrate eradicating an NPC camp in ToT (which we three are powerful enough to do yes we are!) and you don't want to how do you stop us? you raid the icon worshippers! A bold strike oh so close to our capital! see what I mean? it's a friendly PvE way of one-upping with RP!
About your poll and what people want. Nevrax can't abolish PvP. For one thing, it's on the box. If they do this then they loose credibility in the industry. It's not so much about who would leave as it is 'who's going to believe any of the hype for the next game?'
+ it's their game. It's pretty much what they want and making concessions. This doesn't mean changing their game, their idea and someone who started Ryzom's dream, because of your money. If they did that, I'd totally loose respect for them. (not just in pvp but anything they did)
As for female serial murderers...#1 yes it's true, nothing women have done has compared to the vicious and attrocious actions of men in a mass scale. #2 How many gamers are men and how many are women? How many game developers are men and how many are women? Do you really expect a game to cater to the rational of the lowest possible factor in the gaming industry? Granted there's more women who play games now. However they are treasured and loved by men for their 'understanding' of our passion for video games. This means they are still rare. It's kinda like women who would love men who want to go shoe shopping 'for the hell of it'! ....ironic that I say this since I ended up at a drag queen afterparty on saturday night. Oh sweet Agavero, thou hath beguiled myself once again!
A beautiful woman was hitting on me there...but I was drunk and didn't trust my own judgement, which meant I didn't trust the knowledge that she was a real woman and not a guy...Not like that Redhead...Raynes did say he'd be in town...
Guild Infinity, blue monkey scapegoat caster of spells making materials appear in guild hall while riding mektoubs to get things out of the ground so that they may be placed in there so people can level crafting and not making much money so always poor unless I go do things on my own but that's boring so I don't because I'd rather take brithlem's money because he has access to the guild hall and has lots of money so it...
Guild Infinity, blue monkey scapegoat caster of spells making materials appear in guild hall while riding mektoubs to get things out of the ground so that they may be placed in there so people can level crafting and not making much money so always poor unless I go do things on my own but that's boring so I don't because I'd rather take brithlem's money because he has access to the guild hall and has lots of money so it...
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
Yes you could with penalties on it. Those that wanted to go red - did; and lost all access to towns, vendors etc. They did, however, gain stat loss.josephm wrote:In UO couldn't you kill people pretty much anywhere?
Aye - and they are recognized; the problem is that unpunished PK will only escalate.josephm wrote:In Ryzom can you kill people in a majority of the zones? no you can't. It's a different type of restriction and at the very least should be recognized should you agree or disagree with it's implementation.
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
*laughs out loud*lariva wrote:Ultima Online lost players not because of PVP, but because of Advanced Character option for $19.99; because of uber items that negated any PVP skill and now .... ninjas?
There were no advanced characters when UO faced that PvP problem in 1999 - a problem they solved in March 2000 with the UO:Rennaissance expansion which created Trammel and named Felucca.
I think perhaps you started playing the game a little late to understand what I was referring to?

Moira - Trykette Ecossaise
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
I dont want to start a UO debate on ryzom boards...
There was no PVP problem in 1999 - i was there.
When trammel was created, everyone who wanted to go there, did; and thank God for that - we had almost no whiners left.
But then factions came in, and some of trammel people migrated back into Fel... the whining began.
Quick on the draw I see - how about this: ... 547343d1b8
Screenshot as of 5 minutes ago.
for those that are too lazy to click - my account was open in october 1997. kthx
There was no PVP problem in 1999 - i was there.
When trammel was created, everyone who wanted to go there, did; and thank God for that - we had almost no whiners left.
But then factions came in, and some of trammel people migrated back into Fel... the whining began.
Quick on the draw I see - how about this: ... 547343d1b8
Screenshot as of 5 minutes ago.
for those that are too lazy to click - my account was open in october 1997. kthx
riever05 wrote:*laughs out loud*
There were no advanced characters when UO faced that PvP problem in 1999 - a problem they solved in March 2000 with the UO:Rennaissance expansion which created Trammel and named Felucca.
I think perhaps you started playing the game a little late to understand what I was referring to?![]()
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
Well Lariva I think the last thing we need right now is for PvP to stay the same as it is. We do need it to escalate. Of course I'm speaking in terms of the whole game needs an increase in population! PvP really isn't as rampant as the boards make it out to be, nor fully implemented through complete faction systems and outposts.
In fact, aside from what is currently planned for upgrades, additional changes to PvP should be made after range gets fixed. Big words! You know how I feel about that! (can hear the click of Tetra's keys to follow!....I hope we didn't just hijack this thread!)
There aren't enough people to really make this a problem yet, so ending PvP might actually toss off more players than the ones it retains...who generally don't hit the roots anyways. Imagine if the entire playerbase hit the roots. Yeah, I'd see where you could start making that argument. Of course if the entire playerbase were down there and a large portion were doing it, you'd have to admit that it wouldn't be to much of a problem. It'd be why we were in the game!
Aside from that, this game would have to have a playerbase grow five fold for things to be truely as bad as the boards say. Remember, I'm not saying that it's not potentially a larger problem, I'm just saying that in it's current state it's so much not a problem and it has a lot of room to grow before it does.
In fact, aside from what is currently planned for upgrades, additional changes to PvP should be made after range gets fixed. Big words! You know how I feel about that! (can hear the click of Tetra's keys to follow!....I hope we didn't just hijack this thread!)
There aren't enough people to really make this a problem yet, so ending PvP might actually toss off more players than the ones it retains...who generally don't hit the roots anyways. Imagine if the entire playerbase hit the roots. Yeah, I'd see where you could start making that argument. Of course if the entire playerbase were down there and a large portion were doing it, you'd have to admit that it wouldn't be to much of a problem. It'd be why we were in the game!
Aside from that, this game would have to have a playerbase grow five fold for things to be truely as bad as the boards say. Remember, I'm not saying that it's not potentially a larger problem, I'm just saying that in it's current state it's so much not a problem and it has a lot of room to grow before it does.
Guild Infinity, blue monkey scapegoat caster of spells making materials appear in guild hall while riding mektoubs to get things out of the ground so that they may be placed in there so people can level crafting and not making much money so always poor unless I go do things on my own but that's boring so I don't because I'd rather take brithlem's money because he has access to the guild hall and has lots of money so it...
Guild Infinity, blue monkey scapegoat caster of spells making materials appear in guild hall while riding mektoubs to get things out of the ground so that they may be placed in there so people can level crafting and not making much money so always poor unless I go do things on my own but that's boring so I don't because I'd rather take brithlem's money because he has access to the guild hall and has lots of money so it...
Re: Am Faced With An In Game Dilemma
Things that i'm talking about assume population of a higher head count then now... if population of ryzom wont go up within some reasonable time, I'll go play guild wars or something - i dont care if population is low when i grind my skills up, but if it continues to be 100 players at prime time over vast area with virtually no chance of bumping into each other.... what is there to do other then PvP once the grind is done?
RP - would not be my style (sorry raynes)
RP - would not be my style (sorry raynes)
josephm wrote:Well Lariva I think the last thing we need right now is for PvP to stay the same as it is. We do need it to escalate. Of course I'm speaking in terms of the whole game needs an increase in population! PvP really isn't as rampant as the boards make it out to be, nor fully implemented through complete faction systems and outposts.
In fact, aside from what is currently planned for upgrades, additional changes to PvP should be made after range gets fixed. Big words! You know how I feel about that! (can hear the click of Tetra's keys to follow!....I hope we didn't just hijack this thread!)
There aren't enough people to really make this a problem yet, so ending PvP might actually toss off more players than the ones it retains...who generally don't hit the roots anyways. Imagine if the entire playerbase hit the roots. Yeah, I'd see where you could start making that argument. Of course if the entire playerbase were down there and a large portion were doing it, you'd have to admit that it wouldn't be to much of a problem. It'd be why we were in the game!
Aside from that, this game would have to have a playerbase grow five fold for things to be truely as bad as the boards say. Remember, I'm not saying that it's not potentially a larger problem, I'm just saying that in it's current state it's so much not a problem and it has a lot of room to grow before it does.