Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Un petit souci technique ? Pas de problème, il y a sûrement une solution.
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Re: Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Post by NepherKaan »

Je rappel que la config minimale pour la carte graphique est une Geforce2 (ou compatible) avec 64 Mo de ram, en dessous le jeu ne peut pas tourner.

Euh, puis je me permettre ?

Geforce4 440go 32 Mo sur un portable et cela fonctionne parfaitement... Il m'arrive meme de tenir 12h sans plantage (si ce n'est pas le serveur :p ).
Il y a meme un menu qui permet de selectionner la qté de VRAM dans le panneau de config ( 32mo Faible, 64 Mo Normal, 128 Mo Mieuxxx!!! de memoire).
Alors certes, je ne mets pas a fond la resolution, j'evite FH autant que possible, mais c'est jouable :) ... (bon ca calme quand on voit le jeu avec 128mo et full details ... ca fait baver, mes arbres sont nettement plus statiques :D ).

Ha, et au fait : 512Mo de RAM et pas 1 giga....


Dans le log on peux noter :
PATH: CPath::lookup(dummy_ascenseur_tr.shape): file not found

Je dirais plutot que ca sent le fichier manquant (fichier ressource graphique ?) qui du coup genere une belle exception... Cela n'est qu'une supposition...
Tu as du essayer le ryzom_recover non ?

On peut definir le nombre de polygones pour les personnages/mobs ingame. Serait-il possible de faire pareil avec les batiments ? Apres tout, si on est pret a les avoir un peu plus carré en attendant de changer de matos, je ne vois pas le mal (meme que du bien ;) ).
Nepher K'aan
Guilde des Lames d'Aeden
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Re: Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Post by flurryb »

Excuse moi folky il y a eu confusion avec tes posts et ceux de messiah.
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Re: Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Post by folky »

Et voila!! J'étais de suivre un ami IG...

Access Violation exception generated at 0xABDABB, thread attempts to read at 0x2E96D000.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Log with no filter:
2005/01/20 21:36:50 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45404/lastAck=45402/nextSentPacket=45406)
2005/01/20 21:36:50 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:50 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 132 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:50 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=83) at level 2 (channel 2)
2005/01/20 21:36:50 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 2), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45404/lastAck=45399/nextSentPacket=45407)
2005/01/20 21:36:50 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 146 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 150 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 0)
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 0), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45408/lastAck=45405/nextSentPacket=45409)
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 166 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=75) at level 2 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45409/lastAck=45406/nextSentPacket=45410)
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3276 player_cl.cpp 487 : PL:computeAnimSet:80: not a male or a female (gender=3).
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3276 player_cl.cpp 427 : PL:equip(2):80: VS '6' default equipement used.
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3276 player_cl.cpp 427 : PL:equip(2):80: VS '7' default equipement used.
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 137 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 2)
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 2), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45410/lastAck=45407/nextSentPacket=45411)
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:51 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 150 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 175 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 0)
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 0), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45412/lastAck=45409/nextSentPacket=45413)
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 115 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 105 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 158 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 3)
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 3), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45415/lastAck=45392/nextSentPacket=45416)
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 150 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=427) at level 1 (channel 0)
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 0), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45415/lastAck=45147/nextSentPacket=45417)
2005/01/20 21:36:52 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 net_manager.cpp 544 : <impulseChat> Received CHAT : Wil dit : pour me sauver??? with category sys
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 186 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45417/lastAck=45410/nextSentPacket=45418)
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3276 character_cl.cpp 3472 : No target available for current attack.
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 139 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 2)
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 2), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45418/lastAck=45411/nextSentPacket=45419)
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 96 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 107 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 0)
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 0), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=45420/lastAck=45413/nextSentPacket=45421)
2005/01/20 21:36:53 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3276 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 205789
ShardId: 101
Player Name: 'Elundhor'
UserPosition: 4477.65 -3288.58 -9.54
ViewPosition: 4477.65 -3288.58 -9.54
Time in game: 0h 45min 57sec
LocalTime: 2005/01/20 21:36:57
ServerTick: 92198031
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :3705 (
Language: Français
PatchVersion: 00044
Client is online
Memory: 68mB/511mB
Process Virtual Memory: 1053mB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ / x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 / AuthenticAMD / 2079MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 383fbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: Direct3d / ati2dvag.dll / RADEON 9600 SERIES / \\.\DISPLAY1 / driver version :
3DCard: RADEON 9600 SERIES , version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 57
Available tracks: 23
Used tracks: 9
Muted sources: 0
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 9 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 23 / 32
Average update time: 0.000004 msec
Average create time: 0.000000 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000019%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 63
2d hw buffers: 32
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:46 pm

Re: Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Post by messiah0 »

voila... alors je sais pas trop ce que j ai fait, mais en réinstallant tous les updates que j ai trouvé sur le web (pourtant les versions avaient l'air d'être les mêmes...) je plante plus qu'une fois par heure environ...

Ma carte est une Mobility radeon 7500c et elle a 64 Mo de RAM.

Enfin je commence a apprécier le jeu... Le jour ou je ne planterai plus du tout, ca sera le pied...

--> 674576488 --> je suis pas sur que laure serait d accord de subventionner un nouveau portable... Ca va être difficile a faire passer "ecoute cherie avec l'évolution actuelle des logiciels il faut racheter un portable parce que word ne tourne plus" :-)

Enfin bref si vous avez du nouveau pour résoudre les crash, je suis preneur... :-)
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Posts: 499
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:02 pm

Re: Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Post by folky »

Et encore!!!! >_<

Access Violation exception generated at 0x1, thread attempts to read at 0x1.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Log with no filter:
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 net_manager.cpp 544 : <impulseChat> Received CHAT : Folkn est maintenant au maximum Vie et n'a plus besoin de sorts de guérison Vie. with category sys
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 141 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=299) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37713/lastAck=37703/nextSentPacket=37715)
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37713/lastAck=37711/nextSentPacket=37715)
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 net_manager.cpp 544 : <impulseChat> Received CHAT : Yngwie dit : merci bcp with category sys
2005/01/20 23:51:15 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 71 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=115) at level 2 (channel 2)
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 2), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37715/lastAck=37712/nextSentPacket=37716)
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 56 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 3)
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 3), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37716/lastAck=37701/nextSentPacket=37717)
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 99 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 70 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 173 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=347) at level 2 (channel 2)
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 2), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37719/lastAck=37716/nextSentPacket=37720)
2005/01/20 23:51:16 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 88 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=203) at level 1 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 1 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37720/lastAck=37715/nextSentPacket=37721)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 net_manager.cpp 544 : <impulseChat> Received CHAT : Kirya dit : go? with category sys
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 3504 move_container.cpp 439 : Primitives have moved more than a cell.
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 60 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 0)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 0), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37721/lastAck=37714/nextSentPacket=37722)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 101 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=83) at level 2 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37721/lastAck=37715/nextSentPacket=37723)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 56 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=115) at level 2 (channel 2)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 2), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37722/lastAck=37720/nextSentPacket=37724)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 complex_source.cpp 516 : CS : Chaining to sound ___swim_rnd
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 complex_source.cpp 526 : Seting event for sound swim_2 in 699 millisec (XFade = 698).
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 122 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=99) at level 2 (channel 3)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 3), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37723/lastAck=37717/nextSentPacket=37725)
2005/01/20 23:51:17 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 32 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 udp_sock.cpp 174 : LNETL0: Socket 120 received 98 bytes from peer (
2005/01/20 23:51:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 72 : CLIMPD: received new impulsion 1 (len=83) at level 2 (channel 1)
2005/01/20 23:51:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 impulse_decoder.cpp 82 : CLIMPD: at level 2 (channel 1), 1 actions (ReceivedAck=37726/lastAck=37723/nextSentPacket=37727)
2005/01/20 23:51:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 cdb_synchronised.cpp 167 : Update DB
2005/01/20 23:51:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 3504 complex_source.cpp 533 : Setting last event for sound swim_speed_1 in 2574 millisec.
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 205789
ShardId: 101
Player Name: 'Elundhor'
UserPosition: 4407.69 -5518.05 -26.56
ViewPosition: 4407.69 -5518.05 -26.56
Time in game: 2h 9min 50sec
LocalTime: 2005/01/20 23:51:21
ServerTick: 92278987
ConnectState: Connected
LocalAddress: :3784 (
Language: Français
PatchVersion: 00044
Client is online
Memory: 64mB/511mB
Process Virtual Memory: 1062mB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ / x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 / AuthenticAMD / 2079MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 383fbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: Direct3d / ati2dvag.dll / RADEON 9600 SERIES / \\.\DISPLAY1 / driver version :
3DCard: RADEON 9600 SERIES , version
Sound mixer:
Playing sources: 725
Available tracks: 1
Used tracks: 31
Muted sources: 2
Sources waiting for play: 0
HighestPri: 0 / 2
HighPri: 0 / 4
MidPri: 31 / 6
LowPri: 0 / 8
FreeTracks: 1 / 32
Average update time: 0.000008 msec
Average create time: 0.000000 msec
Estimated CPU: 0.000016%%
Sound driver:
FMod Driver
3d hw buffers: 63
2d hw buffers: 32
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:46 pm

Re: Client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation

Post by messiah0 »

Je viens de passer sur le continent...
Et ben plus moyen de jouer plus de 2 minutes sans crash...
Cette fois c'est décidé, je vire Ryzom...
Le jour ou on se fera vraiment plaisir sur ce jeu sans crash toutes les 2 minutes je me ferai un plaisir de payer l'abonnement. Avant ca... Poubelle.
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