Living Matis Quest Dagger
Living Matis Quest Dagger
The ones that cost 120 prime tokens. 60 hpm and all that fun stuff. I have one and want to make it a pair, but can't get myself to go through that clickfest again. Got a ton of dap to trade, or I can go get a bunch of stacks of mats for ya.. whatever is of worth to ya.
Re: Living Matis Quest Dagger
bodywand wrote:The ones that cost 120 prime tokens. 60 hpm and all that fun stuff. I have one and want to make it a pair, but can't get myself to go through that clickfest again. Got a ton of dap to trade, or I can go get a bunch of stacks of mats for ya.. whatever is of worth to ya.
I have one. Going price? 2 mil for the nasty grind it took to get. Send me a /tell in game. Zenith is my name, TV aplliances are my game.......and maybe my name too

Zenith, Member of OmegaV.