A few events to help with the invasion missions.
This event is on monday 10 / 1
At 14:00 GMT we will start in pyr and move together to the different
outposts there and perform the missions. During this time you will all be
informed about how it works.
At 17:45 GMT we will be starting to collect people at pyr to march to matis. This is an chance for those who does not have the matis spawns to get
some more.
At 21:00 GMT an event will be held in matis where we will move together between the different outposts and everyone will be informed about how things works.
This way we will start to unite all the lands of atys and working together,
towards our common goal: To crush the evil kitins that are invading our land.
If your want to know the reason for these missions, the following post can provide you with some info.
Originally Posted by cerest
Homins! We are doing well so far, but we must strive to do more than defeat the kitins. We must crush them! To do this, though, we will need to get all three camps for each people, up and running. I hope this can help guide your paths as you begin to prepare for the coming attacks.
The harvest camp is very isolated in matis lands, but it is quite important to get supplies here. They will provide the materials for the crafters. Although it will be hard to access, if only a few homins can pass back and forth between the harvest and the craft camps, surely there will be a great increase in arms and armor creation. Many of the resource masters have yet to recieve sufficient secretion to make a batch of the raw materials, but when they do, after submitting your next batch of supplies to your craft master, they will give you a voucher to take to the resource master, who will supply you with materials for your next batch of crafting.
As many of you have surely seen by now, the craft master will have you bring the finished package of arms and armor to the armorer in the war camp. This is very important, because the armorer needs 5 packages to outfit a guard group. The more complete packages they recieve, the more homins they are able to equip to help fight the kitin attacks.
Remember now Homins, they are setting up, but they have not yet begun their attack. They are bound to attack soon so stay watchful Homins, and get to work! We must further our defenses.
Zorai, remember your camps lie just to the west of Zora and spread north to south. Matis yours lie on the border to Knolls of Dissent and the Harvest camp lies farther north, just south of Smitten Mount. Tryker folks, you can look to Bounty Beach for your camps. Finally for the Fyros, your camps start in Dyron, and spread east.
Be Vigilant! Be Fierce! Be Victorious!