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Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:00 pm
by cerest
Dear Homins,

It was brought to our attention that you are not fully satisfied with the way guild inventory is managed in game at the moment.

We have some changes in production at the moment, such as increasing its bulk. That is also true for player appartment inventory.

In order to fulfil your request, we would be interested in having your feedback about this issue. What would you like to see for guild inventory management ?

Once all this is gathered, we will have a look at it and feedback you on it.

One more thing, PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC, thank you :)

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:13 pm
by lootking
more bulk

more bulk

oh, and pls,

more bulk :)

id like to be able to get apartments in every land, would be very useful, very nice indeed

id like to be able to access my room pack from outside the apartment portal, like a proximity thing like how packers work

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:20 pm
by brackish
Most needed IMO:
I believe you should have the option of whether to restrict the withdrawal of items from the inventory to only Guild Officers. Meaning, you could allow anyone to withdrawal items from the guild inventory.

Larger amount and number if items allowed.

Options that would be nice:
A tabbed interface like that of the vendors, seperating armor from mats from weapons, etc.

Wish lists(though you could use in game forum for this)

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:20 pm
by hvwicked
ability to set guild inventory access rights!
So crafters could take mats from the GS without having a highofficer/leader transferring items to them.

also, where did the sort options go from all inventories?

i dont have a apartement, but as i understand, you cant use the mats in the apartment directly for crafting (unlike packers, where you just have to be near them/stables)

oh, and more bulk ;)

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:31 pm
by vinnyq
This I think is very very important.

Being able to see what's in your apartment even if you can't access it because you're not in it, like how we can see what's in our packers even though we're not near where it is stabled.

Same with the guild house tab. Allow the leader and the officers who can accessed them to see what's in the GH even if they're not actually at the house.

If you just add these two tabs, I would use my apartment a lot lot more. Porting to Pyr to run to my apartment to fetch things if that's necessary.

Cerest GMs and Devs, ty ty ty for seeing this problem and addressing it.

- Fyrx

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:35 pm
by aylwyne
Our guild doesn't yet have a hall, mainly because we don't see a lot of benefit in it for the 10M it costs. For us, more bulk is a must as we'd mainly want to use the hall as a place for us to share equipment and resources. I don't recall what the builk is right now but I remember thinking it was very small when someone told me what it was. I'd like to see an option to expand the bulk as an addition to the base hall. Like maybe buying chests or something.

Another thing I'd like to see for guilds in general would be more freedom in the ranks. Right now, there's just the three ranks (not including the leader). I find this too limiting. I think there should be several more ranks that guilds have the freedom to use as they see fit. This would allow you to have ranks for people that were just recruited until you figured out if they were going to stick around or not and promoted them to full member.

I bring up the rank system because I think that's important in inventory control when it comes to shared inventory. I'm not sure if you can do this now or not but there should definitely be levels of access you can grant to the shared inventory. It'd be easiest to tie this to the guild rank system, however, as stated above, I think the current rank system is a little too limited. We might want members to be able to give and take a limited amount but maybe new recruits wouldn't be able to. There isn't a way to distinguish new recruits from members right now.

Assuming I'm someone that has access to give and take things from the shared inventory, I'd like the ability to designate an item in the inventory to be picked up by a specific person. That way, you wouldn't have to take the item out yourself, meet up with the other person, and then give it to them. You could just make it so the next time that person was in the hall, they could grab it, even if they didn't have permission to normally take things from the inventory.

Oh, another thing I'd like to see in all inventory and trade windows is the sorting that used to be there but maybe with some enhancements. As a harvester and crafter, I'm often dealing with a large number of materials of different types, qualities, and grades. I'd like to be able to sort on things such as quality, use (blade, grip, etc.), grade (choice, excellent, etc.), and of course, name and type.

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:38 pm
by mfostel
I don't see why the Guildhalls can't be like the stables, but ,instead of packers, guild leaders and officers can purchase Lockers or Vaults of varying sizes.

To make things simple, each locker or vault can be purchased with specific permissions pre-installed. So lets say they have a Set of Officer's Lockers, which would be of decent size and allow only Officers, High Officer, or the Leader to add and remove items. Meanwhile, the guildhall itself would start with a set of Regular lockers, which anyone in the guild can add and remove items.

You could have varying types of lockers and vaults, and allow a max number of lockers or vaults like stables.

Being able to rename the storage would be very important, so that guilds can build systems internally for their crafters, harvestors and hunters to use the halls to cooperate.

Perhaps even allow the vaults and lockers to be traded when empty between guilds as they grow for "hand-me-downs"? (Leader only?)

Just a few thoughts! I'd prefer something simple and elegant, to something detailed and cumbersome.

- Mallissin

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:40 pm
by aylwyne
brackish wrote:Wish lists(though you could use in game forum for this)
I like this idea. It'd be cool if a person could add a request ("I need some Q80 Dodge Armor") and others could see it. If someone had that item, they could drop it off in the shared inventory for the person requesting it. That person could then come by and pick it up when they had a chance, without officer intervention.

We're a small guild and don't have a ton of crafters. Sometimes it's hard for the person in need to hook up with the person that can craft it. This would really help that.

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:40 pm
by rushin
access permissions *set by the leader, not pre-defined* for guild inventory, or a secondary guild storage area that is available to all members. it can be a pain having to get a HO back to guild just to withdraw something

crafting from guild, with access to packers.

guild packers. If our guild goes out to collect mats then individuals have to take packers out, then there is lots of exchanging items so they can be put into the packer.

Re: Guild Hall and Apartment Inventory

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:42 pm
by plarfman
Whats needed

-more storage
-more storage
-upgradable storage
-some way to manage things that are put in them so you can put crafted items one place and harvested mats in another.
-more storage
-access rights other then making someone officers/ect. Alot of members who are not these have to wait for one to either log on or stop what they are doing to get you the needed items.
-the ability to craft from the building inv like you can with packers as when Im at home you dont see me taking food out of the fridge putting it in my backpack and then pulling it out of that to cook .

-more space:not a little bit it needs a HUGE amount its a freaken empty building

edit: I agree with it needing GH packers that would be very handy for those group forage partys