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window size

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 4:49 pm
by oddie
I have a question. I have tried different configs in my window settings and in the game settings.

Most times when I log on and the game screen comes up it is in the corner of my monitor. Even though when i logged out it was in fs and everything was in the position I liked. I then have to change the game config to another setting then back to the one i want to get the fs.

I have changed the screen setting in windows and the game trying to find the one that suits and hoping that it would stay put.

Atm I am using, dang i cannot rememlber exactly, but i think is 1280x980, anyway no matter what i set it at most times when i log on i have to do the above then move all my boxes around cause they dont stick in the same position relative to the new screen size. Not a big deal but it is getting agravating to have to do this everytime i log on. I am going to try some of the suggestions for similar problems i have read, but i have not read this exact problem.


Re: window size

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:02 pm
by ickpuh
I'm looking for a solution to this as well since it is extremely annoying.

My desktop is set at 1280*1024 and no matter what setting I have the game at it shrinks to the top left corner taking up 3/4 of the screen. Even with the game at 1600*1200 it does the corner deal. Just looking for a way around this since right now I have to change the settings the first thing I do every time I log in just so it actually goes to full screen.

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Bah, finally found a thread that talked about this....
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