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Atysian Sentience....gone????

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:48 am
by paulrgod
Atomos awoke after a few months away from Atys,
as his eyes got used to the bright winter light......he felt alone.....where were my comrades?

Could it be true that Atysian Sentience is no more?????

Were my comrades defeated by an unstoppable Kitin invasion????

Twitches?? Quozl?? Sumanuptra?? all gone??

Feeling Cold and Lonely in Zora right now.........Anyone still here??

Re: Atysian Sentience....gone????

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:59 am
by blogie
"looks at the yong warrior in awe and sheds a tear of sorrow"

I hope you will finde yor battel groop Warroir cos you will nead all the help you can get. Goo is multyplaying and kittens have increast. Guilds ar batteling over pices of land.

I hope you will finde yor friends or make new ones. Cos yor sword wil nead blood verry soon.

"Walks in direction of zorai"

Re: Atysian Sentience....gone????

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:30 pm
by evilek
paulrgod wrote:Atomos awoke after a few months away from Atys,
as his eyes got used to the bright winter light......he felt alone.....where were my comrades?

Could it be true that Atysian Sentience is no more?????

Were my comrades defeated by an unstoppable Kitin invasion????

Twitches?? Quozl?? Sumanuptra?? all gone??

Feeling Cold and Lonely in Zora right now.........Anyone still here??
nice to see you again...
your guildies are gone in another guild cuz they neva more had your news... so atm you're alone... Twiches and Dazzman are still online in these days so u can tell them... anyway i'm happy to see one of the first refugees come back to defend our land :)

if u want a position in my guild, you're welcome :)

Re: Atysian Sentience....gone????

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:37 pm
by dazman76
Hi there :)

Yes, I'm afraid AS fell apart, another guild casualty. Sumanaptra left shortly after patch 1 to the land of EQ2, and may or may not return in a few months time - a very sad fact in deed, since Suma was the very heart of our guild.

I didn't actually meet you (I was an original member from Open Beta 1, who returned in November...), but myself, Twitches, Paccea, Jansethi and Ryo (another player returning from Open Beta 1) decided to join Outlaws recently, and dissolve AS.

Quozl has not been seen for some time now, and I assume also gave up and left the game.

Myself, Twitches, Paccea, Jansethi and Ryo haven't been online much recently either, due to the holiday season, and reasons I won't go into here. Sad news all round I'm afraid. I hope Sumanaptra will eventually return, and that AS may well rise from the ashes. In open beta it was a fantastic guild, small but full of friendly, mature and helpful players.

As for getting in contact, you could give Twitches a shout if you see him online, and although we don't know each other, I'm happy for you to get in contact with me too :) Send me a /tell if you see me online. I seem to spend most of my time chatting with friends at the moment, with occasional bouts of harvesting in between.
