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Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:53 am
by aylwyne
I was looking over material statistics and it seems like harvested and quartered mats compliment each other in many areas. For example, the good dodge mats are harvested while the good parry mats are quartered. Another example is for magic focus. Harvested mats give good cast speed boosts while quartered mats give good power boosts.

The problem as I see it is that there's a severe lack of choice and above quartered mats. As far as I've seen, these are only available from boss mobs.

Then I remembered something from the Ryzom manual that I think would help:

"The quality of material received while quartering is dependent on the way that the creature was killed. Hand to Hand combat is the most delicate way of slaying a creature and will yield the highest quality resources."

That's perfect! Why isn't it like this?

I feel that regular mobs (not bosses) should yield basic, fine, and choice, depending on how it was killed. Boss mobs should yield excellent and supreme. That way, the availability of quartered mats is similar to harvested in that the regularly available sources will yield basic-choice and the rare sources will yield excellent and supreme.

I think this would also give more meaning to the close combat skill. Right now, I feel that close combat is more for extra skill points than any real use in a fight. I mean, if I use my fists or dagger, I use my stamina up WAY faster because of the high swing rate yet do far less damage. If I really want to be effective in a fight, straight close combat doesn't seem like a practical answer. Yet if it was the only way to get choice quartered materials, then it would have some purpose.

Additionally, there could be some quartering skills you could learn to increase your chances of gaining better mats. Perhaps you could optionally choose to just do a "quick quarter" like is there now and get basic or fine or you could choose to use your "quarter" skill and spend focus and time quartering the mob, similar to harvesting a resource node.

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:11 am
by xcomvic
yup, a lot of people know this but are you going to seriously CC with 3+ gingos? or a boss? that would be pointless... even if you kill some low level things like yubos, you get crappy mats...

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:18 am
by aylwyne
xcomvic wrote:yup, a lot of people know this but are you going to seriously CC with 3+ gingos?
Absolutely, if that's the only way to get choice mats off of them.
xcomvic wrote:even if you kill some low level things like yubos, you get crappy mats...
The whole idea was that if you kill those yubos (or any regular mob) in the right way, you'd be able to get choice mats. Yes, the level would still be dependent on the level of the mob but it'd be nice to have a way to affect the grade.

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:25 am
by xcomvic
they could randomize it though

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:27 am
by xcomvic
aylwyne wrote:Absolutely, if that's the only way to get choice mats off of them.

The whole idea was that if you kill those yubos (or any regular mob) in the right way, you'd be able to get choice mats. Yes, the level would still be dependent on the level of the mob but it'd be nice to have a way to affect the grade.
the mats would be proportinate to the level of the mob also.. so 3 PURPLE 5 starred GINGOs would be a bit of a challenge using only daggers

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:27 am
by aylwyne
Yes, it could randomly give you choice mats but i think it'd be a lot cooler if it was in control of the player and based off the player's skills (i.e. Close Combat or some new "Quartering" skill).

Edit: To elaborate on this... My vision is that it would be similar to harvesting. Until you advance your skill to a certain point, you couldn't get choice. But eventually, you'd be able to get the appropriate skills so that you could get choice almost exclusively, similar to the Choice Only prospecting.

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:31 am
by bodywand
Currently, different kinds of bosses drop different classes of mats. Slayers, Demolishers, Death etc. such as the Slayer Kiban or Demolisher Madakam drop choice. Named mobs such as Zoann or Skellop drop excellent. The supreme mobs have minions and suffixes such as keth, koo, or ya.. Goaketh, Kipuckya, Kincherkoo etc.

Right now named mobs are bugged and don't drop at all. Slayers etc. drop 60+ mats a kill but have a very slow respawn time. I haven't killed a keth recently so I don't know if they drop right now or not.

I feel that there should be some way for a fighter or mage character to collect decent mats to be used in their gear, and with the current set up of boss mobs it is far from easy. It should also be easier to get the mob only stats on mats (parry, protection factor, magic power etc, I think
durability is one too and I want it on my jewelry ;o) Being able to kill an ocyx gently and get some decent high parry armor shells would be very nice.

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:38 am
by aylwyne
Thanks bodywand. I did kind of fail to explain how the current system worked for those that aren't sure :) Regular mobs only drop basic or fine and they alternate with each level of the mob. Currently bosses are the only source for Choice and above and it's pretty impractical to be able to gather enough of these to do much crafting with.

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:56 am
by tetra
in at least part of the first open beta, the class of mats dropped by mobs depended on their level. The lowest level mobs would drop basic, and higher level 250-300 mobs would drop up to supreme. All mobs pretty much dropped larger mat quantities, similar to how carnivores drop mats now, but this was changed during FBT "to make hunting carnivores more rewarding" I believe was the approximate excuse given.

Now we have the much "better" situation where herbavores will sometimes drop maybe 1-2 of X mats if they drop something... with mat types split between carnivores and herbavores... this imbalance in quantities works out incredibly well :rolleyes:

Re: Idea for availability of quartered mats

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:41 am
by josephm
I can see how healing few heavy boxers to get some decent choice mats could get you the choice you need is beneficial. What about elemental? Is it impossible for us? Perhaps there will be spells introduced that do much less damage or use many more credits, yet retain higher material quality per kill.

I hope the Developers have taken this into account. If they haven't it'll take us a while to figure it out post patch. good we address this topic once more. Hopefully someone will hear.